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Everything posted by cy-one

  1. Hey, I'm currently working on the biggest project I have ever started... Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it. The task I am burden myself with is building a (own interpretation) of the ISV Venture Star, the interstellar ship from James Cameron's Avatar. Other people that did similar usually "just" model the craft, but I wanted to use the normal functionality of KSP and... well, build it. A few pictures for you to get the idea: It really didn't take me long to realize that I wouldn't be able to build this with the basic functionality KSP offers. The biggest problem would be the part count. I'm currently using the following mods: - UbioZur Welding Tool (basic frame welding) - KSP Interstellar (radiators, antimatter engines, etc) And while I can't use the (better looking) trusses in the following picture, because the UbioZur Tool can't weld them, I will share them anyway. They show the design of the radiator-arms. After coming even farther than on that picture, I had to restart from scratch because of the mod-trusses. This is the current stage of the project. The frame currently has 1550 Parts, and although I will weld it together, an earlier test showed that it is already taxing FPS heavily :/ We'll see how it goes
  2. A question and a bug (maybe already reported ) Q: Do welded docking ports maintain their... "docking-ability"? Or would I have to add them past welding? B: Tried to radially attach some welded struts... And while I "could" have done it, the behavior was really, really odd. view from above: O - Where O is the stack I wanted to attach it to and - is the truss piece I welded. Fun fact: I tried to attach it to the _left_ side of that O, not on the right side... And it was quite far away, too. At least halfway to the VAB-Exit, if not more.
  3. Those flux chart... in which orbits did you measure that? Edit: ignore that. I didn't click the link and the pictureframe didn't work... clicked the link now, question answered
  4. Is there a way I can make the EVA-struts stronger? I'm currently building a huge ship (own interpretation of the ISV Venture Star from James Cameron's Avatar) and I fear even with some struts, the docked radiator-arms will wobble horribly. This is really important for me
  5. Is this thing (still) dead? Looked like an awesome piece... Waaaaalkways :3
  6. Last time I used them (getting back into KSP atm, didn't play for a few weeks), my collector-station with several docked-on collector-arrays (those modules had no am-tank) worked fine.
  7. If it's the same one I know, that one was a seperate model, not something built from "common" mod parts. And the current plan doesn't involve massive hyperediting, no. At the moment, I'm not yet "fleshing" that beast out, I'm building the girder framework (using Talisar's girders), which upon completion I will weld using UbioZur's Plugin. That will reduce lag and also make it possible for this whole thing to exist without melting my machine and/or sudden explosions without reasons The girder frame will have docking ports of various sizes spread across it (of course only where needed), modules and other stuff will be docked and strutted (KAS) there. Some stuff where docking in orbit seems contraproductive will be added to the framework directly before launch (currently, the head radiators for example). Of course, that's just the plan. I'll see how it works out. But I really don't want to... "cheat" the whole thing. The welded framework is necessary, but I would like to limit shady stuff to that. You're a savior, thank you PIGBEAR! Bacon that kills you with it's claws... *hides and drools*
  8. Very, very slowly getting there.... >.> (the only part that doesn't get scrapped over and over again are the two radiators... every thing else is constantly being build fresh from the start, because the former idea sucked >.<)
  9. Mhm. Damn... How does the inline-modul look unfolded? Edit: Asking, because I have some troubles getting it to work and don't want to bother when I'm not going to use it :/
  10. @zzz (i hope he reads this sometime): Is there a way to remove the rotation of heat radiators (even if that would mean less efficiency, I don't care)? I'm currently rebuilding Avatar's "ISV Venture Star" and... Yeah, while your radiators look amazing, they really don't "seem right" when they're rotated vs Think you see, what I mean?
  11. Narf, just when I had already downloaded it Btw, as I'm on a slow connection... Fractal, would it be asked too much for to add a smaller "Update"-download (just from "last version" to "new version" (like 0.7.2 to 0.7.3)) which only contains the altered files? That'd by quite nice. Edit: I' currently fiddling around with partwelding to lower my part count. When it comes to the AM-Collectors, what would I have to do? If it counts as one part, would several of those AntimatterCollector-MODULEs be enough that the "looks like several AM-Collectors, but is only one part"-part collects as much AM than it would normally do? For example, when I weld 4 AM-Collectors, would 4 AntimatterCollector-MODULEs make that part collect 4 times the AM than one single collector would?
  12. I guess it was already mentioned, but I wanted to report it anyway: I welded one 2m-Probecore, 2 big gray tanks and a Mainsail together. Ship spawns with 0/30 energy, although 30/30 is shown on the mouseover of the welded part in VAB. Edit: Ah, known issue But! ... CoM is completely off (Nosecone, SAS, 3x Big Grey Tank, Mainsail ... CoM is on the upper half of the lowest big grey tank). Also, trying to use a welded part to weld something else to it (like, a welded rocket, put some rcs on it, weld it again) kind of... freezes the plugin. "weld it"-button stays clicked, no message, no weld-interface. Alt-tabbing solves the problem (rocket just normally "drag and drop"). Edit2: I love this mod :3 http://i.imm.io/1i8Y3.png (old) vs http://i.imagebanana.com/img/w1fton4z/KSP_LVII.png (new) Is there a manual way to "copy" welded parts from Sandbox to Career (doesn't matter if they only show up after searching through the whole tree).
  13. While it looks less "rockety" than Yaivenovs (because it's flatter ) this ugly beast gets somewhere between 100 and 120 tonnes into LKO. I never did a real stress test, but the 3.75m-Drive-Section (Alcubiere, AM-Reactor, Thermal Nozzle, Generator) had a mass of 95 tonnes... And when I reached (stable, circular) orbit, the central tanks where yet untouched. So with a 1.5 Jumbo-Tanks (the grey one on the bottom is just 1/2 of a Jumbotank) worth of fuel, 100-120 tonnes should be possible. http://www.file-upload.net/download-8168370/LV-I-5.craft.html It should be completely stock (IIRC, not even MJ is on it).
  14. I browsed the last few pages of the thread... Is there a pic of the new nuclear reactors? I can't play right now, but I _really_ would love to see it. BTW: Is there also a new model for the am-tanks? Just asking. Both parts are the only remaining "meh" kinda looking stuff in comparison with zzz's work.
  15. Even if they're just some welded thingies... Could we get a screenshot of a small station with them on it?
  16. No errors so far (updated just yet, so.. we'll see ) Could you please add some kind of tooltip/whatever to the entrys in the Mods-Tab, showing their destination path?
  17. Please, only speak for yourself I take good care of my Kerbals, and I'm also not playing since years, I have not been to all planets yet. In fact, I was fiddling around to make my own service module, as I dislike building one out of x parts. Great to see something sophisticated presented. Thanks
  18. And in compliance to "go big or go home", my new science vessel will feature a 3.75m antimatter drive section Even with me not really getting everything, zzz's modelling is just so damn ****ing awesome! Btw, zzz, if you read this... We really need better-looking antimatter-tanks (and nuclear reactors), they just don't match the quality of your work
  19. That's why a lot of my stuff is Trial & Error as well as MJ-based
  20. I'm a little bit confused about the Antimatter Flux-readout from the Magnetometer. It shows 4.61 on Kerbin at 900km Altitude... An orbit which is described as more or less ideal. If so, why does it read 5.88 at 200km?
  21. Only for the struts it would be a little overkill, but the new KAS has its own set of "docking struts", completely grabbable (is that even a word?) and stuff. You can even retrofit ships with it, as you can put a few in a container (also new KAS), fly it up and assemble the struts in EVA.
  22. Heya, I'm still getting into this and having some problems with the Plasma Thruster. I wanted to build a mobile science station (not fast, but at least mobile) and ended up with this: Problem, even with 2 Nuclear Reactors and 4 Energy Generators, the Xenon-powered Plasma Thruster has only about 25 kN thrust. The ship is modular, so I can exchange the machine section with something else... What should I do? It's not supposed to be fast, but I wanted to put it into a munar orbit, which is... Well, currently out of the question.
  23. I'm new to this mod and still trying to get my mind around it... How do I generate a good amount of science? I made an amphibian science station (one nuclear core and generator, 4 science labs with quite clever kerbals, the whole thing floating a little bit offshore from KSC), but it only makes around 4x0.140 science per day And with that, It's quite... unsatisfying to wait to be able to upgrade anything :/
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