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Everything posted by THChess

  1. Thank you! I bought the game before it was on Steam. So, if I run the installer, it will not wreck my current installation, and saves, etc?
  2. How does one get the patches? I thought the launcher handled the patching, but now I see that my game is still on 1.02, and there have been 1.03 and 1.04 patches. I noticed this because a MOD checked for an update and I got a message that it was for 1.04 and not the version I have... The release mentioned the patch being "on the website", yet I do not see it! Help me, Jebi-wan, you are my only hope! THChess
  3. Hi guys... I seem to be having some trouble fulfilling a contract for the long solid booster and the parachute. I launch a rocket basically of just a capsule, a long booster and a parachute. During flight, the conditions are met; all of the check marks are present. And yet, the contract never fulfills. What am I missing? Thanks for the help THC
  4. I have a sat in orbit, no mechJeb, have Kerb Engineer installed, and scanner running, but overlay seems borked, and the Sat does have a jitter. I can't read anything from the overlay, though high speed scan results in "found" beeps...
  5. I am new to KSP (about a month now) and I have installed this plugin/mod as per the instructions, but the parts do not show up. Other mod installations have gone without a hitch. Can someone specifically note what is supposed to end up where and give this newb (me!) a kind helping hand, since the maps and even the very idea of this mod is so very cool? Thank you
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