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Posts posted by THChess

  1. Log in to the account that you made when you originally bought the game. Then go to the store. The download should be there.

    Thank you!

    I bought the game before it was on Steam.

    So, if I run the installer, it will not wreck my current installation, and saves, etc?

  2. How does one get the patches?

    I thought the launcher handled the patching, but now I see that my game is still on 1.02, and there have been 1.03 and 1.04 patches. I noticed this because a MOD checked for an update and I got a message that it was for 1.04 and not the version I have...

    The release mentioned the patch being "on the website", yet I do not see it!

    Help me, Jebi-wan, you are my only hope!


  3. Hi guys...

    I seem to be having some trouble fulfilling a contract for the long solid booster and the parachute.

    I launch a rocket basically of just a capsule, a long booster and a parachute. During flight, the conditions are met; all of the check marks are present.

    And yet, the contract never fulfills.

    What am I missing?

    Thanks for the help


  4. I am new to KSP (about a month now) and I have installed this plugin/mod as per the instructions, but the parts do not show up. Other mod installations have gone without a hitch. Can someone specifically note what is supposed to end up where and give this newb (me!) a kind helping hand, since the maps and even the very idea of this mod is so very cool? Thank you

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