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Everything posted by vontar

  1. Thanks guys. I took several tips and was able to edit the engine as I wanted. I also made a folder in the game data and it shows up correctly in my parts As I gave the engine more thrust I notice the line for Heat, so I increased it form 600 to 650 as well. Figure the engine should run a bit hotter. description = Despite the big scary trefoil painted onto the side of this engine, its radioactive exhaust, and tendency to overheat. The LV-N (80kN) Atomic Rocket Motor is mostly Experimental and made from left over salvage parts.
  2. Thanks, I will give that a try as I want to learn to mod some.
  3. I need 1 mod (experiental lv-n atomic rocket motor) I can edit files but I don't know how to make mods yet. I was wondering if someone might make something I would like. I want an Experiental lv-n atomic rocket motor. It can be the same stock graphic, size as the orignal. I just want to have 80kN of thrust. I bet that would a simple edit to make. In short, I need that type of engine with just a bit more power. I love the standard one, but I would like a second choice for certain missions. Anyone want to put it together and give a download link? If I am in the wrong forum, please move to the correct one. Thanks.
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