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  1. Ah well, something more intuitive would be handy! Thanks for the help here. Btw, does anyone know what I have to do to make something come up as a base on the tracking station? Do I have to ditch all engines?
  2. Awesome, thanks for that! No worries, I wanted to fix a ladder on the lander anyways.
  3. Despite my inferior flying skills, I'm presently trying to put together a base on the Mun. Expect my old bases keep disappearing! Along with my flag from my first landing. The tracking station appears to not be able to find them either. If I hit "end mission" do things disappear? Perhaps they're still down there but I just can't find them. Quite a challenge without the tracking station being able to show me where they are. Either that or I'm doing something wrong by hitting end mission? Or something else even! Any help would be much appreciate! :)
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