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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Dunno if this was an issue before(or is a hexcans issue, but appears to be) but I decided to take advantage of the update and start a fresh save. Sent a small probe consisting of a core, a oscar-b, the new small rockomax LFO engine(the probe-sized one), and 4 small hexracks and 4 small lFO hexcans to supplement the fuel reserves, as well as 8 kethane scanners to scan Minmus with and 4 XL solar panels for power, that were attached to the hexcans . Well, I get to minmus fine, but coming out of warp I hear an explosion, and one of the small hexcans(along with the panel) starts drifting off for some reason. I chalk it up to a physics glitch of some sort, detach the probe, and start scanning. After coming our of time warp a few timse to ajust position, I start hetting a good map going, when I again hear an explosion, and another hexcan floats off, taking out another panel. I decide to give up on scanning with only two sails left, and revert the flight. TL:DR Hexcan suddenly breaking off for no discernible reason. Any idea what's causing the hexcan separation?
  2. Started messing around with the new 2.5m adapters, and made a nifty orbiter that uses a single rockomax tank and two NERVA engines on a bicoupler adapter. Tried sending it up along with it's accompanying lander, but the height of the NERVAs combined with the lander made the rocket too unstable even with extra reaction wheels (figured this out by just sending the orbiter up alone). Oh well, guess I'll just send them separately and dock them in Kerbol orbit
  3. Not surprised with all the SAS changes and whatnot. I'll just mess around until it's updated(nice that Kethane was updated so damn quick )
  4. One nitpick/issue I've run into with these: Autostaging using Mechjeb with these is a bad idea if you have different flow rates in each section, due to mechjeb autostaging as soon as one section empties, regardless of how much fuel is actually remaining in the entire stack(leading to unintentional hilarity when they fly off like missiles). Also, can you do something like quantum struts between sections? Whenever I make a tall booster, I have to usually basically staple them together in order to not get bending and twisting, which usually ends in catastrophic random disassembly with explosive results
  5. Tried that, still too unstable to land. Dunno WTF is happening, so I'm just waiting for .21 and the SAS updates to see if that helps
  6. Well, my main issues are that for some odd reason, even if I have everything as symmetrical as possible the center of thrust on my final stage(the one with the smelter rover) is off-center from my center of mass. Even if I use liquid barite to balance, the COM shifts as tanks empty, leading to unplanned tailspins and loops that use up all my mon trying to keep on track Of course, this is on top of the usual random unplanned disassembly problems with booster stages
  7. Man, I'm having real difficulty in getting the smelter to the Mun. Any tips?
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