It seems that the original question has been settled on for you, so I'll address the worry that people are going to lose all their emotions and become really strong idiots or something. Anyways, humans are very social creatures; we evolved that way, and we live that way. It's why you feel embarrassment when you mess up in front of people and why you feel proud when you do something well in front of people. More directly speaking, a human who cuts off all ties to society and becomes a hyper-intelligent, emotionless hermit is going to have little or no potential mates, and thus whatever traits they had that caused this will likely not live on. Meanwhile, an average-intelligence extrovert is going to have a lot of potential mates, since there are a lot of average-intelligence extroverts out there, and generally that means more of the next generation will be average-intelligence extroverts. Remember, everything in evolution, whether our own or that of other species, is driven by three things: Food, reproduction and not dying (Sometimes not even the last one, so long as they reproduce before they die). Most everything that a majority or all of people have (Say, empathy or sentience or not having a tail) has likely already been proven advantageous and thus will probably not be dying off any time soon, by natural means at least.