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Posts posted by MAIPMC

  1. On 6/24/2019 at 8:36 PM, Kobymaru said:

    Where were all of these performance reports when I implemented this ages ago and asked for feedback? ;)

    If that's common for everybody, we'll disable it by default again. But this time I'd like to know some details first: how many parts does your craft have, how long is the trajectory?

    With a 200 parts craft i get as low as 8 fps on Kerbin ascent once i overpass 300 ms^2 (at not more than 5000 m) at any part of the athmosphere. Until i reach FULL orbit, this performance problem will persist no matter the lenght of the trajectory.

    Keep in mind that i was doing a really vertical ascent to left the athmosfere as quickly as possible with a overpowered craft. It was not a big spaceplane making a long air breathing ascent.

    Coudn't test the reentry because it took too long to orbit and didn't have time left.


    Oh, and i didnt report performance problems when the changes were implemented... because i haven't played in a lot of time..

  2. On 6/22/2019 at 2:36 PM, Kobymaru said:

    The cache makes long trajectories (when you spend a lot of time in the first 10 km of the atmosphere) quite imprecise. I did some performance testing and it looked like disabling the Cache would not be too bad in terms of performance.

    I didn't expect people to notice the difference too much, TBH. If using the Cache still gives you satisfactory precision, leave it on.

    I'm getting preformance drops from 60 fps to barely 10 fps with the cache off... Let's say it's easy to notice it. And my specs aren't bad. r5 2600 and gtx 1070.

  3. A mi me pasa aveces Camarada Anonimo. No estoy muy seguro, pero puede que sea porque el centro de gravedad de la nave, está ligeramente desplazado hacia un lateral.

    Lo digo porque a mí me a pasado con naves que llevaban cargas irregulares.

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