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Everything posted by TaxiService

  1. Hi all, I need your assistance to fine-tune the RemoteTech's newly-modernised PID Controller as I have the limited understanding on the workings of this controller. The issue is in certain scenarios, it would take relatively long time to reach the target point. You can reproduce this observation by installing the develop-RT and save zips. The PIDTest vessel is good one to play with as it just takes long time to reach the target point like this picture below. Any idea on how to shorten this time taken?
  2. Nah, the RT 2 antenna system is in separate development, last time I checked. This CNC antenna system is simpler and more tied to the Part Action menu. I honestly never anticipated multiple antenna modules per part when working in past.
  3. @Phraxas I am not sure if I understand you correctly. The omni-direction is already using multiple frequencies in the latest version. You can set 2 or more frequencies to a vessel and it will connect in all directions, unlike the previous version of single frequency in omni direction.
  4. Like maja pointed out, there is no omni-direction/dish/targeting feature in this mod. I stack the multi-frequency on the top of the stock CommNet's 360 degree scope.
  5. Looking at the antenna cfgs of RT, I suggest this to be added, given you mentioned the probe has deployable antenna. I dunno if the available tags are relevant. Can try delete them later to see if they matter
  6. Here, try this. I see few errors in your cfg. ModuleSPU is for probe cores/command modules and ModuleSPUPassive is for antennas. I remove ,* from the "%MODULE[ModuleAnimateGeneric]" line
  7. RemoteTech 1.8.8 (Independent-compiled) is available on GitHub Until the master builder returns from his business work, a manual-compiled RT version 1.8.8 is available to download. This version will be pulled out when an official build is generated and uploaded to both GitHub and SpaceDock. There are multiple fixes and improvements, mostly to Flight Computer. Enjoy! RemoteTech 1.8.8 for KSP 1.3 released This release 1.8.8 is standard maintenance, contained several bug fixes and improvements What are fixed/changed: Improved detection on the end of a ManeuverNode burning Flight Computer can queue and execute a sequence of maneuver nodes at one go Few fixes on RT support cfgs for FASA and Vens Stock Revamp mods Data transmission obeys KSP's time wrap Power consumption multiplier actually works now The signal-delay loophole on stock engine throttling is closed Complete changelog is below: If you find any bug, please report them on our github (as it is hard to keep track of bugs here). Feedback is also welcome for the next release, here or on this post. We are in the RT 2.x branch development and continue to support the RT 1.x branch.
  8. Thanks, this is an anomaly I cannot fix without significant effort. Normally, a vessel is constructed together with some parts like lego pieces but US Probe pack does this vessel construction completely different. This RN US Probes TDRS, like the other probes in the mod, is a single part contained everything, from solar panels to antennas. The issue is there are three copies of the antenna module in the part, and therefore it appears as one antenna module.
  9. It looks like a single physical part with virtual antennas to me. Can you name the mod contained this part and provide the output_log.txt for investigation? Thanks.
  10. To edit the channel of each antenna, right-click the antenna part and select the 'CNC:Antenna' option to change the channel. To edit the vessel's list of multiple channels, right-click any command/probe part and select the 'CNC: Communication' option to turn off or on the antennas' contributions to the list. For example, if you want to halve the total power of Channel A, you toggle off some antennas in the window.
  11. Hi, this mod lets you to put some connection restrictions on a vessel, compared to the stock CommNet's concept of every vessel broadcasting indiscriminately. As you can tell, this stock network can get disorganized quickly as the global list of vessel grows. Here, you assign one or more distinct radio channels (frequencies) to a vessel through its antennas. A vessel will only communicate to another vessel through the same channel, like a 1000Mhz channel in the real world. A constellation is the closed network of vessels, included ground stations, communicating through a common channel. For example, satellites in each colored constellation talk to their members only. Lastly, it is not a positioning system. It is an enhanced CommNet network with labels and colors. ------- CommNet Constellation 1.1.1 is out! Fixed a couple of issues on ground stations Linky
  12. Thanks for the log. There was a CNC v1.1 bug with the ground stations' frequency lists, in which the lists were initially empty. In this log extraction, these lists are missing. If you hover your cursor over a red mark in Tracking Station or Map View, you will see "no frequency assigned" text. This may be why there are no connections to Minmus satellites. The workaround for you is to re-add the frequencies 0, 1, 2 to some of the ground stations. I already pushed a fix to my codebase and plan to release in the weekend, should there be no further other bugs reported.
  13. Thanks. I installed as many mods as I can but I think I can't replicate your game environment fully. I got many CNC errors caused by some third-party mods like this. Can I see your output_log.txt, please?
  14. Actually, it was a minor bug, along with another bug of ignoring change to a ground station's name. It is not supposed to surprise a player with no working connection at the beginning. By default, the frequency list of a vessel is built from all its antennas (excluded retracted antennas). This 'antennas' tab lets you to toggle off/on some antennas and in turn remove their frequency contributions from the list quickly. To set the frequency of an antenna, you have to right-click that antenna in the flight to open the frequency-antenna window. Can I have your save folder (and mod list if you have other mods) to check your issue of some Minmus probes not connecting?
  15. This is pretty good idea. RemoteTech has the feature request of this kind of play style (you could contribute your comment to this request) so this will be eventually get implemented in either RT or here.
  16. You could try this contract pack for CommNet. I am not sure if it has the kind of network expected in RT. Let me know if this works well. If not, I go and try replace few keywords of RT contract pack.
  17. CommNet Constellation 1.1 is out! A huge revamp on the system of vessels and frequencies. A vessel now has multiple frequencies. Linky
  18. Planning to release 1.1 officially in this weekend, assumed no more showstopper bugs found in my test plays.
  19. Yes, if you use this antenna (it is sweet!) in the stock CommNet, it would connect to everything within its range in the unappealing manner. In an example with this mod (incoming version 1.1), an end point in the Kerbin's SOL could be set up with two frequency channels (Jx2 channel and local channel). Any satellite in this SOL would only talk to the end point via the local channel while the end point talks with other end points somewhere in the solar system via Jx2 channel.
  20. Hmmm, my KSP (with CC 1.0.2) does not get locked up when opening up or submitting Crew Report in either Career or Sandbox. I wonder if I missed out something when installing MOLE & Science Relay.
  21. @DMagic Yes, I appreciate your PR offer. But can you first check on my fix attempt (branched off the develop branch)? I think I may be wrong on certain parts of a science transmission. I debugged the ModuleRTDataTransmitter and found the callback passed in is always null. So this should be removed entirely.
  22. The issue is we are not quite knowledgeable on the orientation matrix of a part to debug and fix in the flight computer. For now, you need to re-root your crafts, sorry. We are ditching the most of the flight computer's inner workings and re-wiring it to the KSP's stock autopilot commands in the redevelopment of CommNet-based RT2. But it won't be out for a long time.
  23. That's interesting. You are right, your asteroid has a valid CommNet instance, likely supported by one of your mods. I add extra check to exclude all vessels of the unknown type.
  24. Yes, this bug happens when the orientation of a root part is flipped in VAB/SPH. For example, a flipped docking part will confuse the flight computer. A workaround to this bug is to re-root another non-flipped part of your craft in flight using KIS (I am not sure how to achieve this). @DMagic Thanks for your insight on this behavior of RT on the science transmission. Have the science data transmission been changed significantly in KSP 1.0 or 1.1? RT's handling of data transmission seems to be outdated, dated in KSP 0.25 or earlier.
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