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  1. Propertiary ATI drivers for Radeon HD4850 don't support the newest X server... Also, the demo works ok with the open-source drivers. Just the full version doesn't.
  2. I'm trying to play KSP on Linux Mint 14 64-bit through Steam, and when I try to open settings or create an universe, it crashes after the loading icon in right bottom corner appers. Looks like it's SEGFAULT: Player.log Tried that hack with hex editor linked in the first post - didn't work. I was searching here and there, however I didn't go through the whole thread and I guess (or hope) someone else already found a solution. KSP startup parameters in Steam: env LC_ALL=C %command% GPU: ATI Radeon HD4850, with open-source driver. EDIT: The Player.log changed right after I posted this (file access buffering...). Here it is.
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