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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I've been wondering this for a while now as it would be nice to be able to edit things that you have already launched up. I have already looked into the orbital construction mod but that doesn't really allow you edit things that you have already launched up. I think something like this would really add functionality to EVA's. So ya, if you guys know of a mod or something, please share thanks.
  2. I've been wondering if it is possible to launch yourself on a trajectory to Mun that is just perfect enough for Mun's gravity to pull you into an orbit around it. Basically, this would eliminate the need for a large burn later to slow yourself down into an orbit.
  3. I'm trying to build a spacecraft capable of going to other planets by launching up multiple engines and docking them together. Each payload has it's own rcs thrusters and rcs fuel separate from the ones on the launch rocket. Every time however, the launch rocket uses the payload's RCS thrusters which disrupts the delicate balance of RCS thrusters on the rocket. Is there any way to lock the fuel and rcs thrusters of a payload before launch so that you dont have to "right click, disable" every time? Thanks.
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