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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Thanks for posting those pics, it's good to know I'm not the only one with this issue. I have tried removing all mods, but it did not change anything. Is anyone else having this issue? If so please post pics & info.
  2. Thanks for clearing up what I was trying to say, as I am not very familiar with the jargon and terminology of KSP yet. Honestly I don't know if it affects my flights. I think it does because my plane will often pull one direction, but there could be a multitude of reasons why most likely including operator error. It's hard to say if it actually affects my flights as I don't have anything to compare it to; All my space-planes are like this. Thanks for the tip, but it didn't work. I tried applying symmetry before and after placing the wings, and also placing a new wing from the menu several times with no luck. I have a few mods installed: Kerbal Alarm Clock, the UDKLD station parts, Docking Cam, Protractor, MechJeb, Kethane, Procedural Fairings, HOME 3M, Flight Engineer, CleverWalrus' version of CleverBobCat.dll and two carts, and Quantum Struts. I am going to try removing mods to see if anything changes.
  3. I understand this plane is not ideal by any means, it is simply being used to illustrate my point: The CoL appears to be angled slightly to the left and I can't figure out why. Every combination of cockpits and parts is the same. Even if the camera in the back is skewed so that it doesn't correctly show the CoL, you can see on the side views that it is off. The left wing has it's CoL sitting flush against the back of the CoM. The right wing has it's CoL overlapping so that it is almost centered on the CoM. Basically, from what I can see in the VaB, is that the left side has its CoL further to the rear than the right side CoL.
  4. I have been building spaceplanes for the past few days and I noticed a problem that exists in every space plane I make and I can't seem to fix it: The center of lift on my spaceplaces is always angled very slightly to the left when using symmetry placement. Here are some screenshots of a space plane with only 5 parts as a simple example. Here you can see the left side perfectly aligned behind center mass, as I wanted it to be. Here is the right side, where the center of lift is slightly in front of of the center of mass instead of be View from the back where you can see the angle is clearly off. Overall view just for reference. Please help, I can't figure this out and it's driving me insane!
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