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Everything posted by Beech

  1. Hehe, too easy. I was also worried each of the jet engined probes may count as a ship. Oh they are alive and well. Deorbited at the same time as the asteroid and parachuted safety. Frank was just glad that that particular vehicle worked first go. He has sort counseling to get over the failures of the previous designs.
  2. So on my first post I thought I'd share my asteroid retrieval that I've been working on for quite some time and finally finished this week. My first intercept, class C....much bigger then I expected 157 tons. Managed to de-orbit it and by fluke landed it 80ish km from ksp. After attempts to move it via a rocket propelled pushing apparatus failed miserable, I settled on multiple jet engines attached to the sides. The vehicle below is what I used to attach individual jet engined probes. Flying it felt similar to pushing a shopping trolley with all wonky wheels. A huge shovel type vehicle used to pick up and push it to its final resting place. Somewhere along the way the "roid" became a probe. But it still says, 1 part..157 tons. Before a score can be worked out, one quick question. Does the "ships used" condition include the ones that failed as well?
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