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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. +1 to Uncle Mort and also to Yarrula! These are both ideas that I have been thinking about, as I too find the "Rescue" missions to be some of the more exciting ones; not to mention, they've lead to pretty interesting ship designs on my part ! Variations in inclinations, elliptical orbits, and rescue kerbal from a celestial body missions would be GREAT improvements to this already awesome system!
  2. Everyone in the Steamdb-announce IRC make sure your name starts with "Hype"-something ..... let's see how many of us are really in there!! hahaha
  3. http://www.twitch.tv/matoroignika ALL ABOARRRD THE HYPETRAIN, NEXT STOP MINMUS!!! Seriously though, come on by Mat's stream fellow passengers, this stuff is great!
  4. http://www.twitch.tv/matoroignika HYPETRAIN HAS ARRIVED ON MINMUS! ALL ABOARRRD!!!
  5. Ohhh, I had never heard of Steamdb before today. Thanks And they've also changed price to 0 in GER now too... strange. Price going up with this update mayhaps?
  6. What you mean by issues with Steam's tos? I may be missing something here? Please elaborate...
  7. This little spitfire of an aircraft could do it all! Loops, Immelmann Turns, endless Barrel Rolls .... Everything, except hold the engine on after landing! This was all well and good if we're landing back at KSC, but what about SCIENCE! expeditions that could use the engine after landing for, you know, returning? Introducing, THE LANDING-ONLY LANDING GEAR!!! I added this third wheel to the back, under the engine, and removed it from the 'Gear' action group, and inserted it in an action group of its own. This way, I can have it retracted for take-off, and extended for landing! The engineers back at KSC are real proud of this one, saves a lot of engines! Happy flying!
  8. @Kessel_Run .. pretty sure that ain't just any old Face ... (Carl Sagan)
  9. I'm gonna start a war, I'm sorry ... but, adding MechJeb would be as far from stock as possible.
  10. Just saw this for the first time... awesome work Tommygun! Had me in stitches the whole time!
  11. Yes!! Ditto to what Sean said ... I have nothing against people who use mods; good for you and great for supporting the wonderful and dedicated team of modders that exist in this community. When I see a pic/vid of something that has been done with mods, my first reaction is usually "Wow, that looks pretty freaking cool!" .. However, as Sean stated, my next reaction is usually along the lines of, "well, I wonder how much easier that was than trying to do it stock?" On the other hand, when I see pics/vids of stock-made crafts, I can easily relate to how easy or difficult it must have been to overcome some of the design challenges. Also, I can safely request the .craft files of any stock ships that I want to try. Again, nothing against the mod-users, you guys can do some pretty amazing things! I just like that sense of accomplishment I get after completing a mission completely stock !
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