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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Jeb is dead... While attempting a Mun landing, the lander ran out of fuel. approaching the Mun's surface at 100m/s, He decided to bail and use his Jet pack. unfortunately he hit the surface and went 'pop'.
  2. thank you very much!!!! Squad you are awesome T minus 40mins (Downloading... New Zealand's internet sucks )
  3. Career mode is really aimed at those new to KSP.... to enable them to progress without being overwhelmed by all the parts... Its not really designed for those that have been playing KSP for awhile. Im looking forward to the challenge of early game.... then its Just sand box mode anyway!
  4. Soonâ„¢, I hope. Also waiting impatiently for the update Needs to be before the 28 October, otherwise I'll have a long wait, due to losing internet for a few months to relocate. If it's not, I'll
  5. Staging. then Save before launch The number of times I'd forgot to set the staging. Sure you can re stage on the launch pad. But the number of times I had to quick load. and then launched. Only to realised the staging reset.
  6. I just hope it's before the 29 Oct. I lose my internet for a few months to relocate. Living in hope, that soon â„¢ is less then 2 weeks
  7. Thanks for the live stream guys.... Really enjoyed the preview. Kept me entertained for the last two day. Keep it up. p.s. !releasedate ... yeah i know Soonâ„¢
  8. Thankyou, but i diffidently wouldn't say I'm more experienced. I'm still learning! I've yet to have a kerbal land on another planet and return safely, I have gone to the mun and returned though. Been waiting for a reason to go. And I think .22 might just give me that reason. i've lost many to outer space and crashed a few into moons and Duna. lost a few to the kracken too. I always start a fresh save with new updates and then start adding mods. remote tech being my fav. I like the challenge of realism (or as close as you can get). All my ships have been small, not made make anything epic yet. I'll get there one day.
  9. Thanks for the welcome. Sure did, haven't miss an episode yet! Can't wait for the imminent release, soonâ„¢. as long as too many bugs aren't found. The R&D has been my most anticipated feature, and I like the direction they (Squad) are going in. I have always added the science parts to my probs, just haven't been able to do much with them as yet. Also looking forward to advancing though the career part of the game.
  10. Hi everyone, Long time player of KSP (0.7), Also a long time lurker of the forums. Had to learn how to get into orbit somehow Have to say that this game is really starting to shape up nicely. And I can't wait to start doing some science... 0.22 is looking awesome. (i was impressed when all there was to do was orbit Kerbin). The community is also amazing! who knew Rocket science was so engrossing(especially Kerbal style). Learnt alot. Happy landings and even happier explosions!!!!
  11. I too keep getting this bug..... becoming very frustrating trying to construct anything. Edit.... Mods.... I removed all mods and now can not reproduce it.
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