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  1. And in Kerbal time it is almost 39 Kerbal years.
  2. Because career mode is in beginning of its development, the science part looks fine for now. More important will be how well it will be connected and balanced with money and currency. With all those resources together the career mode will be more complete and hopefully will lead to interesting gameplay.
  3. http://www.wolframalpha.com/ If you want to use Khan Academy, then you may consider usin Wolfram Alpha instead of a physical calculator.
  4. There are some serious problems with energy use and light intensity. Compared to any bioluminescent bacteria or anything else, the energy needed to maintain reasonable light intensity is much higher than a living organism can output. http://arstechnica.com/science/2013/04/why-your-streetlights-wont-be-replaced-by-glowing-trees-anytime-soon/
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