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Everything posted by sol_invictus

  1. I am experiencing phantom forces too on my game with KOs and RemoteTech, which makes some of my operations impossible I can't have a perfect circular orbit around the Mun, even worse around Minmus, preventing me from setting up stable communication networks
  2. https://mega.nz/#!C0JX0Z4a!rVo8aKRFUFxpJ-DQLeGuHTDZc35zUfFKe50fgz0tfEw Here are both the logs and the ModuleManager.ConfigCache
  3. Oriented heatshields first ( I'm doing multiple reentry vehicles drop so I turn off SAS then decouple, reentry vehicles goes for the normal descent profile, heatshield first ) Didn't change anything in the difficulty except for the money income ( so 100% heating ) My physics.cfg file is supposed to be clean.
  4. Hi, I recently reinstalled my KSP and started a new campaign, but I can't progress since i'm getting some kind of strange problem : When I reenter atmosphere, I end up burning in it, regardless of the vessel or its velocity. Just as an exemple, I can't survive a random descent through the atmosphere at normal speed between 1500 and 2500 with something as simple as a 1.5m pod and a 1.5m heatshield : the thing will just obliterate in reentry, I can't even survive a sub-orbital trajectory. I run with the kOS mod and RemoteTech mod, nothing else. Do you have any idea what the problem might be ?
  5. I think it would be really nice to have some sort of tiles to protect our ships against reentry heating, they could be about the size of the OX-STAT Photovoltaic Panels, and would protect against reentry heating. Such a thing would be usefull for Space Shuttles ( The real space shuttle actually used tiles to survive reentry ) and generals surfaces which are exposed to reentry heating but can't be effectively protected by the ingames round reentry shields.
  6. Seriously, I think some changed on trajectory display could be really helpfull. Sometimes, it is a real pain to click on a trajectory to warp or add manoeuver nodes, since it does not want you to click on certain points of the trajectory rendered on the map when the trajectory is too brutal. Also, it would be cool to NOT rendering trajectories when it implies going through an object ( Kerbol/Planet/Natural Satellites ) : This is kind of frustrating to get back from your business and perfectly done Münar landing, click timewarp until reentry and ... discover you clicked the wrong part of the drawn trajectory and that the game just timewarped at x10000 times acceleration to crash into the planet. Trajectories are here to predict where the ship will be, not where it should be if it could magically pass through planets and planetoids. Just make it so the trajectory no longer render when periapsis is equal or below 0, and why not, add an " impact " point at the end of it, just like you get escape trajectories which just stops and get " escape from X " when you leave the sphere of influence of an object. Otherwise, it can get a real mess, especially when you have a lot of nodes and manoeuvers to do and don't have time to deal with such nonsense information.
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