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  1. I found out today that I can't place the KSO standard docking ports on a stockparts spaceplane.... is there a way to one on a stock part? Is it possible to put a standard stock docking port somewhere on the KSO space station?? I'm kinda bummed....
  2. I made video.. Is there a new shuttle out? I WANT! I've been having a blast with this shuttle. Man the solar panels are hard to fit in the cargo bay. First time i barely got it out and a solar panel broke. Second try I had to RCS forward after undocking from the back to keep it from jamming.
  3. Hello! I just wanted to introduce myself to the community, and perhaps get some motivation! I've spent hours playing and watching tutorials after buying the game on steam sale on Monday. I've always dreamed of a game that had real-time re-entry, even better i have to build the ships and plan it all out. Also, I'd like to share with you my mission I am ever so proud of. some info slightly from memory: Let's start with the rocket from top down. Probably the most inefficient design ever. 3 person capsule decoupler advanced SAS 3 short tanks extending landing gear lights, solar panels short RCS tank docking port decoupler rover decoupler docking port 1-man module(PPD-12 Cupola Module) advanced sas again (for locking orientation of ship for lander rendezvous) Rockomax X200-32 Fuel Tank LV-N Atomic Rocket Engine jumbo tank Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine 3 stacked jumbo tanks with Rockomax "Mainsail" Liquid Engine 3 solid fuel rockets near lander 3 stacked FL-T800 Fuel Tank with I think LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine Tried to order my staging 6 solid fuel rockets 3 stacked jumbo tanks jumbo tank 3 stacked FL-T800 Fuel Tank with I think LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine atomic engine 1 kerbal from 3 man pod to 1 man module lander decouple undock decoupler piece from 1 man module decouple mun buggy land redock with 1 man module and atomic engine piece 1 kerbal from 1 man moduel to 3 man pod decouple 1 man module decouple pod pod parachute Challenges: The Atomic engine while efficient pushes my rover and lander VERY slow.. I usually have to do a 5-8 minute burn to hit mun. Staging is odd, I still have a tiny bit of fuel left in the 3 stacked FL-T800 Fuel Tank with LV-T30 Liquid Fuel Engine but I but a tiny bit of fuel back into my atomic engines tank and decouple to get good burn time estimation for the burn for the mun. I did however run fuel lines, to have my single jumbo tank still full, and my 3 stacked fl-t800 tanks full when i decouple my last/single jumbo tank, this helepd a lot. Any tips on a more efficient and sensical (staging) way to bring my lander and buggy to the mun and back would be awesome, just learn about delta V or what?
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