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Posts posted by Itchylol

  1. Something that money could be used for when it gets implemented is upgrading the KSC. For example, you would only start with a small VAB. From there you would have to buy a larger VAB to make bigger rockets, a dirt runway, upgraded to a paved runway, a launch pad, runway lights, a tracking station, etc. This would really help with the progression of the game since then not only are the ships evolving, but the space center as well.

  2. I've been using the nuclear engine for some time, and the biggest problem is 80% of my landings end up with me falling over and breaking everything but the capsule. I can't reach with normal landing legs so I just attached a bunch of modular girder segments to be fixed landing legs. Still, even when spread out it tips over everywhere except on flat terrain. I really don't want to use any other engines to land since the nuclear engine is so efficient, and most planets/moons have low enough gravity the TWR doesn't matter. How do I land with the nuclear engine?

  3. How can you have DRM issues? There aren't DRM with Steam. And you can just disable ''auto update''.

    I tried to play Just Cause 2 on my laptop in offline mode and it said I can't play because there was no login information stored even though I checked the box that says remember login details.

  4. Adding air intakes and places to actually put the jet engines is a mess and make for way too many parts. Id rather just put some giant fuel inefficient rockets than extremely fuel efficient jets that are a struggle to put on and lag alot.

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