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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. i was using .20 at the time (would seem obvious by the post date) i think i'll install this first to make sure i didn't fudge up the install, and find the issue (saw manley use this mod with alongside the others i have installed, hence such confusion)
  2. wondering if .21 will work with .20, if not, how can i get the older version (waiting for other mods to update) did i miss a link?
  3. not quite sure if this is the thread to do this in, but i am having some issues with the GUI for the balloons, i have B9 areospace, Mech Jeb, ISA mapsat, Crew Manifest, H.O.M.E star tpack, K.A.S. , Firespitter, HL Airships, and KW rocketry. the parts show up for the airship mod, but the GUI seems not to be functioning properly.
  4. ok, im a visual learner, care to exemplify what you mean by wrapping the files?
  5. ok, im a visual learner, care to exemplify what you mean by wrapping the files?
  6. not quite shure if this is the thread to do this in, but i am having some issues with the GUI for the balloons, i have B9 areospace, Mech Jeb, ISA mapsat, Crew Manifest, H.O.M.E startpack, K.A.S. , Firespitter, HL Airships, and KW rocketry. the parts show up for the airship mod, but the GUI seems not to be functioning properly.
  7. Howdy there, mod looks great, but im having some compatibility issues for 0.20, this mod clashes with mech-jeb and causes some issues with parts displaying in game, i realy hope i can cat som assist with this, as i would love to be able to use your mod because it would go so nicely with some of my ships
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