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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I know, I understand that. Maybe I wasn't clear. The change doesn't occur when I am in nonphyswarp and manually go back into normal time. It literally only occurs when the mod takes me out of warp. If you're right, then it shouldn't matter whether I manually take my ship out of warp or whether the mod does.
  2. Really? The change occurs instantly, not over time. Every hour as soon as the game comes out of warp, my orbit suddenly changes. There's no resources being moved, added, or removed at all. Yeah I know the warp-stopping is supposed to happen, it's the orbit changing that's the problem.
  3. So I just installed this mod and send a Kerbal X capsule into orbit to play around with it. I timewarped, watched my CO2 fill up, and then an hour later the timewarp stopped and one of the crew died. Perfectly normal, except my orbit changed - before it was circularized to 240km (so I could time warp), but after one of the crew died it was something like a periapsis of 190 and an apoapsis of 270. While running on timewarp some more I noticed that every hour, the time warp would stop and my orbit would be altered, sometimes drastically, regardless of whether one of my Kerbins died that hour from too much CO2. In practice this isn't a gamebreaking issue since filling up on CO2 is hard to do accidentally, and since running out of oxygen is the end of the mission anyway, but this definitely shouldn't be happening.
  4. I'm getting the same error as some other posters. The COL appears to show accurately while I'm dragging the wing, but as soon as I place it the COL is shown incorrectly. It makes it very difficult to tell what is going on, and I'm not even sure which COL is the correct one. I'm using 0.5 and I'm not using FAR.
  5. So if I already have a GPS constellation in orbit, will I have to de-orbit those and send up new ones that have the transmitter part?
  6. Yep I'm having the same problem as the other people in this thread. Nothing in the popup is interactable, and it closes as soon as you click anything (without changing any of the values).
  7. This plugin has saved me so many times. Thank you!
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