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Posts posted by ethank793

  1. and for attempt number 3 at posting this!

    just like the title says, I need ideas for landers. and they need to be out there.

    so im asking you to come up with an unheard of idea for a lander to "x" planet.

    so far I have an asymmetrical lander and a 3-in-one probe rover lander combo.

    thanks for any help!

  2. hi guys! just a random useless thing to post that im starting to get the hang of orbiting!

    docking... not so mutch.

    mostly because I have no idea how to activate docking modules and I cant get ships close together without screwing up the orbit.

    also for future refrence: which button takes screenshots in this game? thanks!

  3. hi my name is ethan and being new to kerbal space program and the forums, I have questions. mostly im asking for tips but Id appreciate a full answer if you give one.

    1. any good way to make a rocket that will get into space depending on its weight?

    2.how do you dock things?

    3. besides the ap / pe thing how do you get a good orbit?

    4. any good mods besides mechjeb?

    thanks for any answers you give!

  4. hi im ethan and this is my first post. as that is why its in the welcome aboard section.

    ive got a few questions on how to build and fly rockets.

    1. how do you build a rocket according to its weight?

    2. besides the apoapsis/periapsis thing anything else that can help me orbit?

    3. how do you dock things?

    thanks for any answers!

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