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Everything posted by illucypher

  1. What a brilliant mod downloaded it One quick ask/favour since this mod is still being updated very frequently, is it possible you could put it on curse or kerbalstuff that way we get an email when the author of said awesome mod updates it
  2. ok, not sure if this has been posted already but.........I think NASA has been talking to Squad a lot, not just coz of the ARM mission but I reckon they also play KSPI "NASA just crashed a satellite into the moon on purpose BY DANIEL COOPER @DANIELWCOOPER APRIL 18TH 2014, AT 9:45:00 AM ET" http://www.engadget.com/2014/04/18/nasa-ladee-crashes-into-moon-on-purpose/?utm_source=Feed_Classic_Full&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Engadget&?ncid=rss_full NASA MUST be testing out Fractal's seismic sensor package, but forgot to make sure it was on a craft already landed on the Mun before crashing the probe....... :)
  3. Cheers tom1499. A Dell engineer came to my office and swapped out the motherboard late Friday afternoon and it still won't power turns out the MB is fine its the Nvidia. So, its rebuilt and working minus the Nvida awaiting a new one (Tuesday with luck) but god, the Intel on board graphics suck....I can build in the VAB but laggy as hell trying to fly anything over 200 parts.... So waiting patiently for the next chapter and also starting to read Kadmos to keep me sane
  4. I bought KSP on Steam a couple of months ago and I class myself as a rookie with 140 hours of play time logged. I can get in a stable circular orbit, I can dock and I can land on the Mun and get back in one piece. But, the Mun is as far as I've managed so far. Yesterday, oct 24th, the motherboard of my 3 month old alienware M17x-R4 decided to commit suicide................so I'm on a dog slow old laptop awaiting a new motherboard to be installed. Why am I typing this? Well, since the old laptop can't run KSP I had to get a KSP 'fix' somewhere and I stumbled on this wonderful AAR. I've read all 89 pages since the MB died. All I can say is...........wow!!! EPIC story! Ok, yes, there are some grammatical errors but they in no way get in the way of the atmosphere and story telling that this yarn brings. Reading it all pretty much in a day and a bit really was thrilling and I literally couldn't put it down and now, I join the legions of fellow readers who sit by awaiting the next instalment with baited beath...........
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