Hello, We are new to KSP. I just purchased a copy for my son. We have two computers; an old one (barely above minimum requirements) and a new one. I use the new one for unrelated activities while my son uses the older one. My son wants to be able to access his data and creations from either computer. First, is this allowed under the EULA? (If not, I'd buy another license) Second, Is there a KSP configuration setting to point to a NAS (CIFS share) for user data? My son jumps on the new computer whenever he can because the user experience is much better. (But in the end he's got two separate user data stores) I tried running KSP off the NAS, and it'll run, but even in a gigabit switched environment, the user experience suffers and isn't as fast as running KSP on the local machine. Thanks, Paul