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  1. Does this count? http://gfycat.com/BrownCleanBedlingtonterrier
  2. When something as simple as this (practically a fuel tank with wings on it) can be an SSTO, I think the RAPIER is a little OP. Also, it can get up to 2500 Isp in atmo at the right altitude. It's hard to think of a situation where I wouldn't use the RAPIER as the first stage. Edit: This one's even better. Made it to LKO w/o wings: http://i.imgur.com/bfmb59O.jpg (posting as link to save screen space)
  3. Not to plug the KSP subreddit, but also this happened not too long ago. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/1iylh2/is_21_out_or_what/ TL;DR: Someone randomly used the patcher and accidently updated to .21. After an interrogation, another user tried playing with the download URL at the KSP store and found out you can download .21 if you have an account and are logged in at the store. The thread then went bananas (myself included) with excitement and omg's. There was about a 10 minute window to download .21 before Squad rightly took the site down for maintainence. The whole affair was pretty funny as it was happening =)
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