Hi Been enjoying this mod for a while (v281), I think the latest Kerbal update has thrown a bug at this. v0.21.0.272 In VAB Place a control module ( I used Mk1 lander can) On top of that add an XL girder and place 2x solar panels (mirrored) on a side of the girder. ALT + click a solar panel and things go all wrong, I can't place or select anymore items, or even exit VAB the only thing that's possible is to ALT+F4 KSP It looks like the item is getting replicated down the bottom of the screen and not being placed at the mouse as it should do?! Not sure if this happened pre-update, it has happened before but I can replicate this everytime now. Carry on the good work ... PS: I'm also using The Winch mod (KAS) and MechJeb 2 all tested independently though. >> UPDATE << Hadn't installed the new lazor update *facepalm*