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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I have a station with space builder and enough parts in the solar orbit. Each time I build another module and try to dock with the old station, the mod seems to put the new vehicle in a different orbit. It just has a pretty large velocity relative to the station. Does anyone have tried this yet? All other building functions work fine in the LKO. Save me a ton of time to send my station into orbit.
  2. Same issue here. Can't even select the vehicle when any of the rocket part container is included.
  3. I notice the same problem here, it does not take the fuel line into calculation.
  4. Thanks for the update! I have a problem using the new version mod, the program is not calculating the dV correctly especially when you add fuel lines to make an asparagus staging. It seems the fuel lines are ignored during the calculation, while it is getting the right number in the last version.
  5. Nice to hear this mod is still updating to 0.21. The stock game still does not have the crew transferring between multiple docked ships, which is kind of pain using eva to move multiple crews...
  6. Nice work! Could you also make a large version of the reaction wheel? I am wondering why they do not come in all three sizes in the stock game...
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