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  1. I'we got the new update for ksp now. Ascent guidance, Randevous autopilot and docking autopilot seems to work well now
  2. [Operating System]: Windows 7 [Memory]: 16 GB [ASAS Trouble (Y/N)]: Yes [Mods installed, pre-patch]: 5 [Mods installed, post-patch]: 0 ( 3 fresh installs after .21 in an effort to fix things. [Description of problem (keep it short)]: SAS eighter give too mutch or too little torque resulting in unkontrolled spin. Some launches everything goes good and some other goes ape****. Totally random as far as i can see. Tried with stock ship several times (over 20) and with self built rockets. Tried to get rockets stable for 8 hrs now and i give up.
  3. Hmm. Still seems to have some issues. When autopilot gets to manuver nodes it does not seem to update it self and still try to calculate. Thus resulting in many weird spins and absolutely impossible to use.
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