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Everything posted by EveMatt1234

  1. Testing a car with fold-out wings. looked cool, was cool, took some screenshots... Bill and Jeb was tanned slightly... And then, a few moments later, it was piled into the ocean by a flat spin. It wasn't me.
  2. reached about 1000+ m/s with only one turbojet. Holy cow.
  3. Some pictures of my ISS look-a-like station that suffered a severe loss of oxygen and killed six innocent Kerbals... oops... looked good, though...
  4. What mod is that Soyuz looking module docked to your station?
  5. so there is a moon orbiting a moon... can we call that a moon-moon?
  6. what's that, in the sky? (is it a bird? is it a plane?) is it a comet? looks kinda like ISON near the sun
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