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Everything posted by gnomegemini

  1. Many thanks for your answers. So I'm going to buy that game. Thanks a lot.
  2. Hi there, I'm a fan of orbiter. But KSP seems to be much more fun to play with. I tested the demo version and am about to buy this game. But I have some questions: I want to build an unmanned rocket to get a station up to the orbit for refueling. I watched some youtube videos and am amazed. So I also want to build a reusable ship like the XR5 Vanguard (alteaaerospace) maybe with Vertical launch Rockets to get it up. But my question is: is this possible to build such large deltawings so that I can build an moon-ship (with refueling)? Also is it possible to attach "hover"-Engines to it so I can land like an aircraft (See this so you see what I mean: . Thanks for your answers.
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