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Everything posted by 0xFADE

  1. The idea hit me when there was a periapsis marker behind the nav ball. For a moment I thought they made it so you could see the nav markers behind it as if it was semi-transparent. It sounds like a good idea. Things like the waypoint marker would show up behind the nav ball in a more muted color implying it is behind the ball. It would be a lot easier to find directions that way.
  2. Currently none in .21 since I have a habit of holding F9 when a crash is eminent.
  3. Very nice to see it fixed rather quickly. I guess they didn't fly that many large planes in various situations. On both of the ones I've been working on when I was climbing and would have to q/r a little bit it would lose it's upward direction, all the time.
  4. I do hope something gets resolved. I thought the old asas was a pain to use till it was gone.
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