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Everything posted by XyA_DeathKnight

  1. [Operating System]: Windows 8 64-bit [Memory]: 32GB [ASAS Trouble (Y/N)]: Yes [Mods installed, pre-patch]: Sub Assembly Manager [Mods installed, post-patch]: Sub Assembly Manager [Description of problem (keep it short)]: ASAS functionality from .20 seems to be completely gone. Rockets will no longer hold heading or stop spinning. RCS thrusters no longer operate under module control to attempt to stop spin or maintain heading. Pressing control keys (ASDWQE) while module is active results in unmitigated motion in whichever direction input is given. It's basically like there is no ASAS module present at all, except R8 winglets look like they're constantly moving just like pre-.21 ASAS behavior. Haven't tried spaceplanes at all. EDIT: I since have uninstalled and reinstalled KSP and put Sub Assembly Manager back in afterward. After this change, things seem to be working correctly. I also happened across a forum post that explained the new ASAS modules and how to use them. That was very helpful too.
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