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Endless Dark

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Everything posted by Endless Dark

  1. I tried the CSS on the new Version 0.24 and i can load it in the VAB and can launch it. But in a certain Height the Shuttle is moving away from the Camera and begings to rotate. It happens close before the SRB will be seperated. It is not possible to get in Orbit with the Shuttle. Is there something i do wrong or is it a problem with the current Version of KSP? I am using the current Version 6.0.2-X of the CSS. I installed all Plugins and mods that are required but it always begin that spinning around 20000m Height. And sometimes i get the Message KSP_64.exe is not working anymore when i load up the CSS in the VAB. The Game Crashed without iam doing something. Just rotate the Camera and then crashes. sorry for my bad english...
  2. Wenn du reale Raumfahrzeuge haben möchtest, dann empfehle ich ganz eindeutig das Component Space Shuttle und das Soviet Pack. Das Shuttle hat aufmachbare Buchttore, RCS, einen Roboterarm ähnlich wie der Canadarm und einen realistischen Treibstofftank + SRB. Mein absoluter Lieblingsmod bisher. Und das Soviet Pack beinhaltet eine mindestens genau so gut realisierte Soyuz Rakete. Ist der echten auch sehr ähnlich und mag die Mod genau so gern.
  3. for me it is impossible too landing the Shuttle. I'm moving with 10 m/s and land with all 3 wheels but it always explode when it touches the ground. But with 0.21.1 and the updated Robotic Arms this mod works again with no Problems =)
  4. Yes, for me it is broken in 0.21. When i use the Template (the Stock Version), it will not release all Launch Stability Enhancer. The first stage is working correct, the Second stage only release one of the Enhancer. But all 8 Enhancer are in the same Group. All Stage Groups are broken, but when i try to delete the old Enhancers and add new ones on the same position, they can not be attached. They are always colored red. In this Case, i can't rebuild the Shuttle, when i try to add the SRB, the Game begins to Stutter and Crashes to Desktop. And the Landing Gears are missing in the Componentlist. I love this Mod, because i like the STS Missions and this Shuttle is perfect for me. I hope it will work soon in this Version... Sorry for my bad English...
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