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Everything posted by hubertus09

  1. Hey guys, can you leave me some feedback on my own game? I am not trying to steal ksp's audience or anything. I just need to know what you think about my game so far. I have screenshots of a map here: www.alerios.co.uk In this game there are 2 dwarven teams. They have to gather resources and buy building such as walls, blacksmiths, and forges. Teams can start killing eachother from the very start of the game even with basic tools such as a dwarven hammer. It is a 10 - 36 player game with even teams. It isn't even in alpha state, I just recently released the first playable (which no-one but me can have). Please leave feedback about the graphics of the game and the idea at its core. I am still working on mechanics for it so I can not release a demo/trailer kind of thing yet.
  2. This would mean that each save would have hundreds of 'mini'-saves taking up much more room. Perhaps there can be a limit on how many 'mini'-saves there are. I think this can be done with a plugin but I'm not sure about the save api and how its done.
  3. Thanks for reminding me. I knew I forgot something. Make that count 4 and that grade A
  4. That is what I was thinking just now but only after I tried bombing it with bombs on the lander.
  5. Here it is in all it's glory. Jeb is training on what is hopefully a daily series! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z6NMEPcdpM If you are going to comment on the video and it's quality. Please use constructive criticism.
  6. If you haven't seen the original video watch it here: Click Me! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXOE9tLC7vE This is a serious case or rover retardness. This is a serious issue. Dozens of rovers are diagnosed with rover retardness every day. If you are going to comment on the video and it's quality. Please use constructive criticism.
  7. What if a case of probe retardness broke out. What then ?
  8. I suggest you use 1 orange tank (+ a tiny fuel tank so that the engine does not overheat) per main sail engine.
  9. You can not privatise something that is not owned by anyone. If anything the universe owns us. I do not think any planet can be claimed by any country whatsoever because no one has have had the pleasure of introducing this topic to the government although this topic has been commonly talked about behind the scenes or so I word it. In addition to this, we do not have a world-council type of thing (UN does not count because not all countries participate) So coming back to the topic, people can already try launching their own rockets and landing them places. However they will need permission from the government in order to launch the rocket in the first place. As always there will be health and safety so unless you can prove your designs are safe (if it is a manned mission). Don't forget the billions of dollars you are going to have to spend performing tests and building a rocket in the first place. Many companies have already launched satellites and there is nothing stopping them from sending rovers and space probes to other planets or moons.
  10. Here it is in all it's glory. Jeb is training on what is hopefully a daily series! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwJMHgt9CAs If you are going to comment on the video and it's quality. Please use constructive criticism.
  11. This is a serious case or rover retardness. This is a serious issue. Dozens of rovers are diagnosed with rover retardness every day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCptH2M0Mzo If you are going to comment on the video and it's quality. Please use constructive criticism.
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