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CRP isn't listed as a dependency, but a few listed mods came with CRP, so I had it. Just to be sure, I just got the most recent version from your link, and it didn't change anything.
I'm having trouble getting KSP to start up without hanging with RO installed. With just RO and its dependencies (none of the recommended or suggested mods), KSP hangs during startup while loading RealismOverhaul/Parts/WACCorporal/TinyTim/TinyTim/TinyTim. When I remove WACCorporal (TinyTim is the only thing in there), it hangs instead while loading Squad/Parts/Engine/MassiveSRB/part/MassiveBooster. When I remove the RealismOverhaul directory, leaving everything it depends on, the game starts right up. It's using 1775 MB when it hangs, and continues to use a little bit of CPU. The last bit of my KSP.log: [LOG 12:15:49.432] *RF* Loading RFSETTINGS global settings [ERR 12:15:49.435] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ReflectiveShaderModule' [LOG 12:15:49.459] [MFS] Loading global settings [WRN 12:15:49.475] [MFS] Ignored duplicate definition of TANK of type Hydrogen Please let me know if I can provide any more information to help with debugging this. By the way, this is on a fresh install of KSP 32-bit on Linux. I started with 64-bit, with all of the recommended mods and some of my own picks, not to mention the huge RSS textures, and whittled it down from there; once I identified RO as a suspect I started from scratch, added the dependencies, launched the game, added RO, and watched it hang. Then I removed RO again and added back in all of the other mods I was originally trying to use, and the game was able to start up (in 32-bit with the small RSS textures, in 64-bit with the huge ones). Obviously, though, that's not a configuration that I want to play - RO is a crucial mod!
Check your RemoteTech_Settings.cfg in GameData/RemoteTech. There should be a line like "HideGroundStationsBehindBody = False". Change the False to True. I'm actually pretty sure it defaults to True, so you might just not have the latest version; this feature was added fairly recently.
Very handy! Looks like you swapped the numbers for WasteWater and Waste in the Kerbals row of the Converters sheet. I fixed that and put in my own numbers for the actual converters, and now I'm playing around with a plan to use Kerbals as resource converters, turning food into rocket fuel. I just have to change some things so Oxygen and Hydrogen become LqdOxygen and LqdHydrogen, then deal with boiloff...
I'm still loving this mod. I think I'd put it just after FAR on my won't-play-without list at this point. In particular, there's no way I'd play on hard mode - no reverting, no quicksaves - without the ability to do simulations. Since everyone's asking for a way to recover vessels into storage, and it sounds like you're planning on adding that, I'd like to request that it not be instantaneous; there should be a "Refurbishing" period, faster than building from parts, perhaps dependent on the length of the flight if there's any way to do that. Gotta replace those ablative tiles on the shuttle, fix the engines' ignition system (for those of us playing with EngineIgnitor, most engines can only be ignited so many times) and so forth.
Here's the RO_TACLS_Tanks.cfg that I ended up with, cut down to the last three blocks since those are the ones I changed. For each part, the ratios of inputs and outputs are unchanged, but I rescaled them all (including charge consumption) so that they make more sense. The water purifiers consume enough WasteWater for one or two Kerbals based on the RO-default TACLS config, and produce excess Water; the water splitter produces enough Oxygen for two Kerbals. I left the Sabatier recyclers alone, since they produce the claimed amount of LqdMethane per day. (I switched to the Bosch reaction anyway. I thought it was still locked, but it turned out I just hadn't been able to find it in my mess of a parts catalog.) The rest of the CO2 scrubbers appear to have their rates scaled based on the amount of CO2 produced by a Kerbal, so I left them alone as well. Hopefully someone else finds this useful. One other thing I noticed in the cfg is a disagreement between the potassium superoxide CO2 scrubber's description text, which says it releases water, and its actual config, which says it requires water and releases oxygen. I'm not a chemist, so I don't know which one is right. @PART[TacWaterPurifier]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] { %RSSROConfig = True MODULE { name = TweakScale type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid defaultScale = 1.25 } @description = Get the most from your pee. Recycle. Rated for 1 person @MODULE[TacGenericConverter] { @conversionRate = 1.0 // # of people - Figures based on per/person @inputResources = WasteWater, 0.00003125, ElectricCharge, 0.07744004 @outputResources = Water, 0.00002968749, true, Waste, 0.000001562508, false } !RESOURCE[WasteWater] { } } @PART[TacWaterPurifierLarge]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] { %RSSROConfig = True MODULE { name = TweakScale type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid defaultScale = 2.5 } @title = TACLS Water Purifier @description = Get the most from your pee. Recycle. Rated for 2 people. @MODULE[TacGenericConverter] { @conversionRate = 2.0 // # of people - Figures based on per/person @inputResources = WasteWater, 0.00003125, ElectricCharge, 0.23232013 @outputResources = Water, 0.00002968749, true, Waste, 0.000001562508, false } !RESOURCE[WasteWater] { } } @PART[TacWaterSplitter]:FOR[RealismOverhaul] { %RSSROConfig = True MODULE { name = TweakScale type = RealismOverhaulStackSolid defaultScale = 1.25 } @description = Using electrolysis, split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Rated for 2 people. @MODULE[TacGenericConverter] { @conversionRate = 2.0 // # of people - Figures based on per/person @inputResources = Water, 0.0000117326595, ElectricCharge, 1.1041671689 @outputResources = Hydrogen, 0.01460362, true, Oxygen, 0.00729167, true } }
I just spent some time trying to plan out a largeish space station with RO and TACLS, and I noticed that the rates for the various converters don't line up with the number of Kerbals their descriptions claim they support. My goal was to support the station with an input of only food and a closed cycle for everything else, so I'm using the water purifier, water splitter, and Sabatier recycler (small; I haven't unlocked the large one yet). To support 10 Kerbals, I needed: - 3 purifiers; so they support at least 3.3 people each, not just 2. - 4 Sabatier recyclers; so they support at least 2.5 each. This one makes no claim about the number of Kerbals it supports. - 12 splitters for O2; so they support less than 1 Kerbal each, not their claimed two. Worse yet... - 20 splitters total for H2 for the Sabatier reactors (8 extra on top of what's needed for O2 production). - A 4th purifier to supply water for electrolysis (no surprise). By mass, that's 0.26 tonnes of Sabatier recycler, 14 tonnes of water purifier, and 68 tonnes (!) of water splitter to support 10 Kerbals, which leaves me with a small excess of everything except O2, which is produced in abundance. The tonnage and the excess oxygen might be fine (if surprising), but the inaccurate descriptions combined with the sheer number of water splitters required make me think something's off here. For now I guess I'll just tweak the numbers in my RO_TACLS_Tanks.cfg to make the descriptions accurate. I'll post back with the result when I'm happy with it, but I have no idea if I need to alter the masses and volumes of these things to compensate, so the results might not be realistic. If anyone has explanations or suggestions, bring them on.
That's a combination of a long payload, a fairly high TWR, and most importantly an excess of control authority from thrust vectoring. Try reducing the gimbal range on those engines, or disabling gimbaling on some or most of them (keep it symmetric, of course). The rocket will turn more gradually and have less tendency to overcorrect. You might also want to disable any reaction wheels in the payload before launch, as they can contribute to this sort of twisting; they're far from the rocket's center of mass, so they're just rotating their own local section of the stack.
@Armarnis, you do indeed have to make the connection both ways, so if your main satellite doesn't have a dish pointed at each of the others (or a single dish that catches them both in its cone) then you'll find they aren't connected. Also, the cone angle is only for allowing you to make multiple connections with one dish - you select a target and anything near enough to it in your field of view is also connected (assuming, again, it has an antenna to make the return connection). You don't have to physically rotate the satellite so that the dish is pointed in the right direction, if that's what you're worried about. "Only" a 45-degree angle is a very wide cone, and handy for getting area coverage in medium-range networks; the narrower cones have longer ranges and are suited for long-range point-to-point.
Thanks - I guess I haven't unlocked it yet. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for it as I get more science.
It used to be that have a mobile command center required a vessel with 6 kerbals. Now this doesn't seem to be sufficient, and I see in the instructions page, Also from the release notes for 1.5.0, But I don't see anything in the VAB to give more details. What am I missing? How do I tell how many kerbals is enough? Have I just not unlocked the necessary "special probe part" yet?
TAC Life Support has been updated for 0.90 as of a few days ago; the "[]" can be removed from it in the listing in OP.
If you mean x64, as in 64-bit, DRE is working fine for me in 64-bit KSP on Linux. On Windows, 64-bit KSP is reportedly very unstable to begin with, and adding mods won't make it better - I don't expect many mod developers to want to try to support it in its current condition.
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