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Everything posted by ehrie

  1. I thought that might be it, but I closed the game and reopened it and things just started working again. Weird.
  2. I have a question hopefully someone can answer because I can not find an answer. I have a Probe on the way to Duna showing green connection in the top left hand corner of the screen. I can science back and forth with the stuff on board. I can not however control the craft, as in move it around or fire the engines. What am I missing? I thought that if you had a solid connection back to ground control the ship should be fully functional.
  3. I see, thank you for your reply. It was probably because I was going to fast on descent.
  4. What planets does the KE–J65 work on? The wiki said non oxygen atmos, but I jsut tried it on Duna and it just flames out upon activation because of lack of air.
  5. http://imgur.com/mUTplHm Could someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. Only thing I get when I right click on the winch is Connector: Unplug and all that does is break the thing as the connector falls out of the winch. This happens with whatever setup I use.
  6. So has anybody found a way to get the docking assist to work? All that happens when I turn it on is it will get close to the target, but once it gets within a few meters will start over correcting for small adjustments which it then overcorrects back and put the craft in a roll.
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