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  1. Just a real quick question so I don't end up making a catastrophic mistake on this project. So, when this decoupler is activated, the strut connectors that are connecting and stabilizing the two sides will disappear, so the two parts can go their separate ways. My question is this: Does the same thing happen when the decoupler is substituted with a docking node? If not, is there a way to manually get rid of the strut connectors while in flight?
  2. Wait, the plane named "Albatross" has wings that flap like a real bird? Well, I wonder why that is! Albatross is probably the best stock plane out of the set. It's designed to mimic a real bird, and it does. When you try to turn it, it tilts to the side, because that's what real birds do, and real birds do that because it's more efficient. For the people who are having trouble landing it: If your engines are on while you're trying to land, you're doing it wrong. This plane's a glider
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