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Everything posted by Aneres

  1. I mentioned this a while back with some other stuff but I figured it might be useful for mentioning by itself. Building a space station is fun but making sure each new section you launch up has RCS tanks and thrusters to get it attached is kinda annoying. I sent up a segment that had some 'tugs' that could be attached to other pieces to move them into place but that is still cumbersome. The thought I had is that instead of connecting thrusters, RCS tanks, and some type of control module to it in order to move pieces around in space, instead we could attach some small handles around the part we want to move. We could then EVA some kerbals that would hold on to these handles (similar to how a ladder works) and any kerbals holding on to the handles will act in unison as RCS thrusters. Doing something like this would help ease in the construction of stations and also give kerbals in space something to do.
  2. Yeah, you're right. I always kinda assumed that docking ports were more of a way to dock two things together that would eventually give you a way to move between them, but a clamp-o-tron Jr. is too small for a kerbal to fit through (comfortably) so it would be a good substitute for what I'm asking for. Docking ports always seemed a bit weak for me though which is why I thought an attachment point might be better. Basically a clamp-o-tron but smaller and stronger. I'll have to play with them more and see if I just under-estimated them. It would be nice if my kerbals could EVA and move the parts to the correct spots on my station (maybe they can and I just don't know it yet). It just seems right now that once I get them onto the space station they don't serve much purpose. It's kinda like the end of Finding Nemo where the aquarium fish finally make it to the ocean. They are floating on the top of the water in their bags and one of them says 'Now what?".
  3. I've been playing for a while and I am really enjoying it, but there are a few things that I think would help. 1. When viewing the map it would be nice if the mission command center had an icon on the map so I could easy find it when it comes time to land my Kerbals. 2. I started building a space station but as far as I am aware the only way to attach new components to it is using RCS thrusters and docking ports. It would be nice if there was a small attachment point component that behaved like a docking port but could be placed anywhere on the station. It would allow other attachment points to connect to it. 3. To go along with number 2, using RCS thrusters to move the parts into position seems a little overkill if we have some Kerbals just sitting around doing nothing. It would be nice if I could place some handles around the component that I am attaching to the station and the Kerbals could hold on to them in EVA mode (like they do with ladders). When controlling the component from the docking port or the attachment point, rather than using dedicated RCS thrusters, it would treat any kerbals holding on to the handles as the RCS thruster, using their flightpacks instead. How maneuverable the component is would depend on how many kerbals were holding on to it and where they were positioned. Thanks again for giving us early access and keep up the good work.
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