Seeing, that some ksp players play fairly serious, and on beefy computers, many have more than one monitor. Would it be possible to make a mod, that would be able to show different things on different monitors? For example when in space flying your ship, you could see orbital map( M button) on one monitor and your ship on other. Or resources on one monitor or other orbital data(example mech-jeb) maybe it could be helpul when trying to land a finnicky craft on a planet, have map view so you see what your orbital speeds and all that jazz is, and third person view and compass on one monitor. Or when flying in first person view, you could see all the gauges(speed, altimeter, etc flight meters) one one screen, and main fuselage view on main monitor. Tell me, would this kinda mod be even remotely possible? (if anyone even understand what i am trying to get to)