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    Curious George
  1. Hello, I have been wanting to learn to mod or create tools for games for quite some time now and decided KSP would be the best place to try it. This is my first real public release of anything so don't except clean code or a nice UI! Features: Find and Select Vessel Files Add new Vessels to your Persistent Save Upload Vessels to Pastebin List of Previous Pastebin Uploads How To: Make sure to BACKUP your save first. Unfortuantly the application does not do this for the user yet. Use the 'Search...' button to open your 'persistant.sfs' file found at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\saves\SAVENAME" To Grab a Vessel: Use the 'First/Next Vessel' buttons to select your Vessels Press 'Save Vessel' to save the Vessel to a new file on your PC OR Press 'Upload Selection' to upload the currently selected Vessel to Pastebin You can then distribute this file or Pastebin URL to share your Vessel To those using Pastebin: The other user must download the paste for it to be opened in the application To Insert a Vessel: Go to the 'Vessel Inserting' tab and open a Vessel File Press the 'Add Vessel to SFS File' button Click 'Yes' if you are sure you have backed up your save! To View Past Pastebin Uploads: Go to the 'Paste Pastebin Uploads' tab Use the 'Delete Item' and 'Edit Item' buttons to delete or edit the Pastebin URL/Name (The Save XML button is currently obsolete as the application saves your past uploads on the application's closure.) Requirements: Windows Vista/7/8 .NET Framework 4.0 Download! Source Code! Report Bugs!
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