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Posts posted by tobyb121

  1. I'll take a look at those logs when I have some time, probably at the weekend now, I know someone a few pages back had a problem with an older version on module manager causing problems, even though this isn't used in TST. Even if you didn't install module manager some other mods install include so take a good look around and delete all old versions then try to upgrade to the lastest. May not be a fix for everyone but worth checking

  2. I tried a fresh copy of ksp with all the mods and it didn't work but right after i removed tst it now loads to the menu screen so either its a problem with tst or module manager isn't updated (gonna try that)

    EDIT : Updating module manager seems to have fixed it

    Glad to hear you got it working, not sure why module manager would interfere, I don't any of the module manager stuff in my mod? Maybe it didn't like the galaxies stuff??
    What is the different between this Mobile Processing Lab and the stock one? Besides stock can hold crew.

    Woops!!! You weren't supposed to see that yet!!! It is the next part I'm working on, currently does nothing but I must have left it in by accident when I built the latest version....for now it can be safely ignored :)

  3. I have two questions 1. Does the telescopes only work in career mode cause I couldn't make them work in sandbox. 2. Does this mean that Kerbpolis is a dead mod?

    1. The telescope should work in sandbox, is there a particular feature that you were have trouble with? Either way some logs might be helpful.

    2. Kerbopolis was/is a bit of an experiment, it's certainly something I want to continue but there are some complexities to procedural city generation that I hadn't considered when I started the project. In its current form generating realistic sized and detailed cities would melt your computer, but there are ways to make it work better.

  4. ChemCam does not retrieve Science (it does science , window pops up with the amount of science gathered when clicking on analyze data) but that amount of science is not added to total science after vessel retrieval

    here are the logs


    This is indeed the case, I'll have to look into it. Transmitting the science does seem to keep its value, but recovered science just seems to disappear?!?! My "science storage" implementation is quite different from the stock KSP parts, and so this is most likely the cause of the problems. Hopefully it can be resolved :) It's on the top of my TODO list

  5. ChemCam does not retrieve Science (it does science , window pops up with the amount of science gathered when clicking on analyze data) but that amount of science is not added to total science after vessel retrieval

    here are the logs


    Had a look through the logs and nothing particularly stands out to me. I'll probably need to see if I can recreate it myself, but this is quite a busy couple of weeks for me at work, so it may be a bit slow.

    @lk1990: I've replied to your PM

  6. How is the ChemCam supposed to work? I select open and it pops up and spins around. It doesn't do anything else and the only option it has to select then is close. I wiped and reinstalled the mod and tried a new ship with the same results. I'm probably missing something simple but don't know what it is :P
    When it opens a small window should appear which you can use to control the camera. If you aren't seeing that then you should send me a log.
  7. Downloaded "patched" 0.4.5a version. 2 TarsierSpaceTech.dll files is normal?



    The debug console reports:

    [Exception]: ArgumentException: Getting control 3's position in a group with only 3 controls when doing Repaint


    Leaving only GameData\TarsierSpaceTech.dll library - solved the problem.

    Woops!!! Really sorry about this, I switched PC to my laptop and my build script was not quite configured right on it. Uploading the right build now.

    Just downloaded this mod to try it out, cant use the chem cam, I get this:

    Logs and persistence: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/a4ue0hf3dmb3asl/AAD6T-jEiEocZ9eZX2DHQFFOa?dl=0

    I've had a look through your log, not sure what could be causing this problem, the TST stuff seems to be loading but not the ChemCam for some reason, no real errors. I did notice a problem with TweakScale_ModularFuelTanks not loading properly, I would check that you've got the latest version for KSP 0.24. Could maybe be caused by the problem above, so try installing v4.5b when it's available

    EDIT: Grrrr... Curse is being a pain and my file won't upload. I'll try again in the morning or else I'll upload to a different site

  8. Hi tobyb121, I am the player who submitted the original bug report in the TAC life support thread. Looks like your new release has fixed the issue, and I can now happily play with both mods. Thanks!
    Glad to hear it's working...enjoy!!
    UPDATE: So after updating Tarsier to 4.5a, for some reason when I right click the telescope, I do not get any interface/gui thing which means I can't control the telescope -_-
    I cant use any Telescopes at all...;.;

    Please provide logs and a more detailed description, I can't help based on this level of information

  9. Love chem cam, but I found it buggy in previous versions. Sometimes IJLK don't work to move the camera but somehow turn on time warp. (24.2, 32 bit). I can be slightly more specific if you are unaware of this, but I'm a dumb (computer) guy.

    I know there were some problems with the input being bound to the wrong vessel but that is now fixed. Not sure how/why this could effect the time warp settings though. If it's a repeatable problem you could try sending me a log, but I imagine it's a conflict with another mod.

  10. Has anyone found a solution to this problem? I am having the same problem with ChemCam. It messes my point of view each time and will only restore once I engage warp drive. Physics warp however does not restore it

    I think I may have fixed this problem now, I'm working on a set of changes which I'd like to upload over the weekend (a very cool new feature for the telescopes). I just have to work out some science and contract related stuff and then it will be ready....Watch this space

  11. yep no ideas how you guys code :) but anyway a question if i may

    could the error i posted earlier be tied to a custom tech tree? i noticed that whenever i use a custom tech tree the error comes back but not at a specific time or event is it possible that the rearrangement of custom tree's nodes can produce this error?

    at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[RDTech] (IEnumerable`1 source, System.Func`2 predicate) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

    i think that the contracts are looking for a specific node in the tech tree and when they don't find it the bug occurs (not being able to recover the vessel) it drives me completely crazy this error :D

    It's hard to say for sure, but it sounds like that may be a problem. The reason you can't recover the vessel is because it has to access the Research and Development components, to award you all the science etc., however for some reason (that looks like it could be caused by a custom tech tree) this can't be loaded properly and that's what causes it to fail.

  12. HDD now work but when I fill it and send de datas, whith the big one, the capacity don't change to 0% It's normal?

    I'd have to look through the code I think, but IIRC when the science data is sent for transmission it is immediately removed from the hdd, so I would suggest it is not being transmitted, have you definitely got sufficient power etc. for your antennas? does the actual data get removed if you select review data?

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