I've done the above procedure and the problem still persist. This time it doesn't happen right away. It happens near leaving the atmosphere. Either it is a glitch or Kerbals get killed due to G-Force: Here is their facial expression as I ascend into space. http://i.imgur.com/HLEftmj.jpg
I've done the above procedure and the problem still persist. This time it doesn't happen right away. It happens near leaving the atmosphere. Either it is a glitch or Kerbals get killed due to G-Force: Here is their facial expression as I ascend into space. http://i.imgur.com/HLEftmj.jpg
Not my first time. It seems to become popular with the new patch. I have the steam version as it was on sale last week. Am I able to do a clean install?
I'm trying to figure out why I have on pilots launching my ship. They are there at the beginning, but after launch they disappear. Why do they disappear and how do I prevent it? Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/sGIm8J7.jpg