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    Curious George

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  1. We’re just testing a new version internally. It isn’t ready for release. @linuxgurugamerhas kindly made sure the mod works with and without FAR, users can then easily decide how they wish to use the mod.
  2. Hi @HebaruSan, @linuxgurugamer is kindly getting us all organised. It would great to get any debug information on what the CKAN issue was. We've had a cursory look to see if there is a hard dependancy. There doesn't appear to be one in the plugin itself, so could be related to MM maybe. Either way a few of us are happy to take a look and assist @linuxgurugamer in getting to the bottom of this as we do all love this mod (and I have been slowly getting back into KSP). Sorry @Me1_baseI was probably mixing my words up, yes correct, the plugin defines the additional values FAR uses as you know doubt already know and then FAR does its voxel stuff to make it all work nicely. Sorry for any confusion @HebaruSanI looked a few pages back, I can see you highlighted the issue. I do remember you being in contact all that time ago. Unfortunately RL got in the way (I got diagnosed with early stage cancer so I had to drop off the radar to get myself sorted - all better now). Now that @linuxgurugamer is getting us altogether it would be good to touch base in a few weeks to see if we can all get behind one version of the mod that has most historic issues resolved. I wouldn't want to step on @linuxgurugamer's toes as he is driving us, but have indicated we can support where we can!
  3. Yes there is a hard coded value in the DLL for the min thickness and the increments. @linuxgurugamer is getting us reorganised so it could possibly be something that is looked at. So FAR isn't a hard dependancy, if FAR is detected then the voxel approach is used for lift calculation. However, without FAR the mod should work fine and will use a surface area calculation to work out the lift generated (I relatively simple bit of math). But the mod should work with or without FAR however, without FAR you cannot set the wing weight/strength (this feature does require FAR.
  4. Hi everyone, hope you are all well! I am still alive just not been spending much time building in KSP. I am aware I owe you all a new compile. If there has been any commits you think I've forgotten about let me know. Also if anyone needs permissions to the repo to help support that would be cool as well!
  5. Yes, that would be great. I will then do a recompile, test and release. And of course will make sure I credit you on the OP for the great work on the interface!
  6. Hi, my repo is a fork of Crzyrndm’s repo. You still be able to send me a PR though. I think you just need to make sure you create the PR in my repo.
  7. Just set the strength slider lower, it reduces mass. Happy to try and merge this in, means all the other bug fixes are in (symmetry etc). Just let me know!
  8. Hi everyone! I dropped a minor update yesterday. This included @jrodriguez's asset bundle update. AFAIK: Direct X 9 - OK Direct X 11 - OK OpenGL - Black wings If anyone has any idea where I might look to learn more about how to make OpenGL shaders, that would be good. Would be nice to make a final update with that included. Everything else appears to function ok from what I can see. Hi, just "Right Mouse Button Click" for fine increments. Drag it near the size you want. Then right click for tiny increments. This was done on purpose because some people want small wings, others want really large ones. Using the right click allows for best of both worlds, you should be able to get everything perfectly aligned. Unfortunate I know, but would need some guidance on how to add the shaders
  9. So I think time for one final update. Thanks to all the contributors over the last year or so. The repo looks ok, I will get a dev setup installed over the next few weeks, compile, test, refine and release. I have a new Ryzen 3700 and RTX 2070 + 32GB DDR4 I've not tested KSP on yet. Should be fun!
  10. Looks like it's time for an update. I think shaders have been avoid for too long. DirectX11 support needs to happen. I've not had to create shaders before but do have basic unity, blender skills. Will see how it goes. anyone who can give some pointers or links to useful info that would be great!
  11. Hey @JWS ping over PR be happy to add some more shader support Also goes without saying that we all appreciate when other community members help out for the greater good!
  12. Question, did you build that craft/space plane in the latest version? Or is it an old .craft file that doesn’t work? If it is an old craft you have loaded and the wings aren’t the right size that is expected. There is no support for vehicles from one version of this mod to be supported in another. Finally I only maintain “B9 Procedural Wings Fork” and the “-backport”. When you say “Modified” I’m assuming you’re referring to a discontinued version of B9 wings as it does sound familiar. Also I can see you’re struggling a bit with your English. Maybe use a little more Google Translate so I can understand: - Is this an old .craft? - What version of KSP are you on? - What version of B9 Wings are you using? - Why are so many of your part textures black? Are you setting “-force-d3d11” as a launch option?
  13. That actually shouldn’t be too hard. But I’d want some validation in place to prevent parts inverting. However, what would help me (and for any new feature) would be to define some user cases. As they are easier to develop and test. For example looking at the video above I could assert: As a user I can move my mouse in one or two axis so that the length of the wing and offset changes accordingly. I would add: As a user when using my mouse to change the size of wings in any function values will not allow parts to invert and retain invalid values. With a few of these I can work on these as stories. I would stipulate that I wouldn’t want anything buggy going in. I guess finally I would like to know the consensus on priority of any new suggested features. What would you all like added. Seems like solar powered wings is pretty high up there.
  14. @linuxgurugamer so I plan on making some improvements. Probably over the next few days: - You mentioned a few pages back about scaling root of a new wing to tip of a parent wing. This should work fine now using the “Base” button in the popup - Solar powered Pwings - This shouldn’t be hard to do. Adding the new value to the slider array and pointing it to a texture or certain colour value settings isn’t tricky. You mention the old pWings texture, can you post a link to the exact one so I can test around? There is already a surface area calculation used for FAR in this mod. The same value could be used in a function to calculate the amount of power it should generate. Having the part functions to turn the panels on and off should be straight forward. I also remember an older solar panel style texture B9 did year back as well. - Sweep slider, iirc in the old pWings you could press and hold a key, move your mouse horizontally and the wing would sweep accordingly? If this is the case, allowing that would add complexity. Can we maybe agree some offset parameters that allow you to do the same with the existing features? - Update all CKAN versions - Any suggestions on whether tech tree etc should be added? - Any other ideas for the mod, improvements etc?
  15. Minor update Small update to Pwings, 0.90 aircraft should work fine with it - Increased wing edge size to account for larger wings - Set surface sliders back to int 1f so slider snaps accordingly - Craft built in 0.90 should function fine in 0.91 - Updated assembly version (thanks @Me1_base) - Added test craft for use with and without FAR (stock parts + pwings thanks @kcs123 & @Snoman314 for the suggestion this should help when debugging and for new users) https://github.com/Rafterman82/B9-PWings-Fork/releases/tag/0.91 @dkavolis thank you for your continued support of FAR, I love that mod so much! @Snoman314 glad everything is working for you!
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