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Posts posted by Riggers

  1. 1 minute ago, DStaal said:

    MKS does absolutely nothing with experiments - it doesn't have any, and it doesn't change how they behave.  So the only behavior would be stock or whatever the mod that the experiment pack comes with does.  (Surface Experiment Package for instance takes time to transmit, and is compatible.)

    Thank you :)

    (enjoing mks now)

  2. 21 minutes ago, TaxiService said:

    This is pretty good idea. RemoteTech has the feature request of this kind of play style (you could contribute your comment to this request) so this will be eventually get implemented in either RT or here. 

    Oh Yes, that would be great.

    i'am not using commnet because i love the flightcomputer of RT (the only way you can use longe range probes without connection)

  3. Hey i have a quick question because i want to uninstall kerbalism so i am able to use als the beautiful mods :) 
    before i uninstall kerbalism i have a question about datatransfer of experiments, is it instant like in stock or does it take time to transfer science back home because i love this little feature


    Thank you

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