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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I just had a thought; the converter uses kethane to make rocket parts... and when you build a ship at the space dock, crew is apparently created as well... and if kethane can be likened to a type of oil-like surrogate... and is therefor biological... are we making cylons?
  2. What type of crash? With a crash report, or just a close to desktop? Because I've had some problems with crashes too and found it was because of KSP taking up too much memory. Try running in windowed and keeping an eye on KSP in the activity monitor, if it hits 4GB that may be the problem. But that's only my diagnosis since there is too little info.
  3. I use Orbital Assembly, so I set up a station around a Moon/Planet, then design a lander for each gravity well. Maybe overkill, but I like to tinker with loads of different designs.
  4. Well, the generator only gives about 55/s, which isn't enough to cover the drills and the converter, but is enough to deal with the power need during flight. I could use a few PB-NUK's but meh, it's pretty much just a scaled up version of those anyway. The setup works and it can get from Minmus, dock, and return without needing to refuel at the station, and not nessessarily needing to only go to equatorial deposits, then refuel while drilling.
  5. Okay, me being lazy and not wantign to go through 30 pages of text: What happens when someone you play with has other mods than you, or even no mods aside from Livefeed?
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