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Posts posted by Rureglathon

  1. I've confirmed this as an issue with KerbTrack. I'm not sure what's causing it. It doesn't happen on all launches. You may be able to work around it by switching scenes or flights.

    I'll see if I can track down the problem. Thanks for the reports!

    Just so you know, it happens on all launches for me (or it would appear so). I've tried probably 25+ launches to try and make this work, and still nothing. Thanks for the info though, I'll be waiting impatiently for this to get fixed :D

    EDIT: After playing about with nearly every KSP setting, the V-SYNC option fixed it! I had to set it to "Every Second V-Blank", and then the next flight I tried worked fine!

  2. I just got this set up and it seems like it would work really well, but what feels like every second frame the camera goes back to the default forwards view of the capsule. At first I thought it could be my 120hz monitor, but after trying it on 60hz the issue still appears to be there (and worse at 60hz). I know the setup is fine, I'm using FaceTrackNoIR with the point tracker and a home made LED hat thing which works really well for other games, and apart from the flickering the head tracking here appears to be really smooth too. Really awesome work, and I hope this can get fixed too. I'm gonna try the same setup with freetrack to see if that helps soon.

  3. For some reason not all the mod is loading. I fallowed the instructions and I have the fuel tanks and solid rocket boosters but none of the other items show up. I can't figure out why the rest of the stuff isn't loading.

    I'm having the same problem, and it's weird because in the debug menu I flicked through all the parts and the engine configs seem to be loaded.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I think I installed it wrong, but before checking that I checked here and presumed I did it right because someone else was having the same problem. Not completely sure why it happened but a reinstall fixed it.

  4. I'm developing a little plugin (for personal use probably) which lets you adjust the physics warp speed manually, and if you set a low speed, for example, 0.01x, the "Time Warp 0.0x" text will hang around for 100 seconds realtime, making recording slow motion shots incredibly difficult, so I need a line of code which temporarily hides that piece of text.

    If anyone has any ideas, or can point me in the right direction that would be great!

  5. As someone who makes KSP videos, occasionally of the cinematic kind, I find it slightly annoying that the "Time Warp 1x" text doesn't disappear when you press F2 to disable the UI, and if it isn't to difficult to fix it would help me dramatically. So many shots have been ruined by the fact that I have to wait for it to disappear on it's own.

    I know it's not that important, and it may not be possible, but it would be of great use to me, and I think it would also make more sense than if it stayed there. I hope I'm not the only one who this annoys, and in all honesty it doesn't really affect the game much, but I probably speak for everyone who makes cinematics (not very many people) when I say that it's quite annoying at times.

  6. Hey guys and gals, this post will hopefully act as a list/hub for all my KSP tutorials. I have 50 or so at the moment, and I make more all the time, covering things from using maneuver nodes to travelling to Laythe.

    Historical Spaceflight Tutorials - Some are based off the ones on the wiki:

    How to recreate the Sputnik 1:


    How to recreate the Vostok 1:


    How to recreate the Gemini 6A and 7 (Part 1)


    How to recreate the Gemini 6A and 7 (Part 2)


    How to recreate the Gemini 6A and 7 (Part 3)


    How to recreate the Luna 9:


    How to recreate Apollo 11 (Part 1):


    How to recreate Apollo 11 (Part 2):


    How to recreate the Curiosity Rover to Mars:


    Other Tutorials:

    Taking 3 Kerbals to the Mun and back:


    In-Depth beginner's guide:


    How to launch your first space station:


    How to perform a gravity assist:


    How to take a rover to the Mun:


    How to land at KSC


    How to set up and use Action Groups:


    How to travel to Laythe:


    How to get a free return trajectory:


    How to dock:


    How to design, build and fly good SSTOs:


    How to go to Eve:


    How to go to the Mun:


    How to get into a geosynchronous orbit:


    How to set up and use Asparagus Staging:


    How to build your first rocket:


    How to get the perfect orbit with the maneuver tool:


    Tell me if any of the links are wrong, and please do suggest more tutorials if you need any help, and I always read all the comments on my videos too. I have more tutorials on my channel, but some of them are for mods etc, so I thought I'd leave them out of this. I hope you guys find this useful!

  7. Thank you very much for the tutorials. I expect to be able to bring my own parts into KSP soon. I do have one remark, especially on tutorial 3. For you it is common practice to use Wings3d. Automatically you perform the modifications quite fast which makes it difficult to follow for someone who is new to Wings3d (like me). Explain more which keys or mouse buttons you press. I had to watch par 3 several times and still had to lookup some things to understand what you were doing. Yet, i now have the feeling i understand what is required to build a part. Thanks once again!

    I'm considering making a beginners guide on Wings3D, but to be honest, the tutorials aren't really supposed to teach you how to use the programs. That wasn't why I made them. That said, I may well do a more detailed tutorial sometime.

    Also, I'm not even sure how to add ladders and hatches, I was learning that kind of thing but was cut short a bit on time because of school, and I've had to prioritise a bit more. I do still plan on learning that kind of thing sometime though.

  8. Just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to make these tutorials. I have finally made my first fuel tank, thanks to you :)

    I was over the mun when it all worked.

    Thanks :D

    It's really awesome to hear that I'm helping people, and it makes me want to make more tutorials and stuff!

    What would be really great is if someone who is an expert at this was to review what I've done and make sure everything is done right, don't want to be teaching people bad habits! :D

  9. heriarchy? i dont see it, how do i get it

    It should be at the top left of your screen in Unity, and it works in a similar way to the bar at the left of your file browser window, at least in Windows 7. Also make sure the model has a texture, and that you haven't accidentally moved your camera about in the view window.

    I can do the coding and CFG files, but had no idea where to start with modelling programs. Just what I needed to get going!

    If you want to start modelling, Wings3D is good to learn the basics, but doesn't have some features that you might need, like animation. I used to use Milkshape 3D a while ago, and that has a .OBJ exporter, but it's paid for and I don't think it's been updated in a long time, so I suggest trying to learn Blender if you can. Good luck making parts though!

    Thanks for the feedback guys, glad you like the tutorials :D

  10. Hey guys! I'm new here, as you can see, but I've been around KSP for a while now, and I make YouTube tutorials on KSP too.

    Just thought that as I've just finished a tutorial series on making your own Part for 0.21, I'd post this here so people who don't just search YouTube can see it as I thought it might be a useful resource for people struggling at getting to terms with the basics. I could definitely have used this.

    Just so you know, I'm not any kind of pro modder or anything, just have a fair amount of experience with modelling/texturing, so I picked up the basics of doing it for KSP quite quickly, so please tell me if there's any wrong info in these. Anyway, there's 6 Tutorials in this series, and they are as follows:

    Part 1: What is a mod and what do you need


    Part 2: How to set up Unity with PartTools, and what you need from your modelling program


    Part 3: How to create your model, and UV map it


    Part 4: How to create your texture


    Part 5: How to rig these up in Unity and export them


    Part 6: How to create(or adjust) a config file for your part


    Thanks for reading guys, I hope it's helpful, and I think most of it must be correct since the stuff I've made so far seems to function perfectly, but please tell me if otherwise.

    Also, please don't release your first mod, or probably even your second or third, this guide is just to teach you the basics, not how to pull off a completely polished piece ready for the public. Feel free to give it to friends though, that's a good way of seeing how good it is.

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