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Everything posted by safarley2901

  1. Seems like a really inventive mod, I'd love to try it. Waiting for DL links.
  2. Hey thanks for the response, I realize how self assuming my post would have come across and was actually going to ask if anyone had any good tutorials for landing the darn things. Landers are... I was going to say easy, but I've gotten used too. Space planes? My creations drop like a rock. Thanks again though, I appreciate it.
  3. So I've been hunting for an answer to this for weeks, and barring going through 560 pages of thread posts, I was hoping someone would give me some quick info. Every time I try to use SpacePlane guidance to land one of my shuttles, all it does is point toward the gravity well and sit there. No deorbit burn, no auto warp. And when I try to force it to deorbit and use the space plane guidance (after lining up the landing zone manually) all it does is crash into the ground nose first. I was wondering if anyone else has this problem? I have a crap ton of mods, but they all work. The craft itself operates perfectly, just wont land. Any ideas?
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