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Everything posted by qerupasy

  1. Little endian it is then. By the way, am I correct in my intuitive assessment that without at least single-precision floating-point arithmetic (or at least multi-word integers) orbital calculations would suffer massive rounding errors?
  2. I assume that once there are external storage systems (such as the Floppy Drive), they will be persistent as well. If so, will the stored memory sections be machine-independent (i.e. of specific endianness)? I've been working on a floating point coprocessor based on the x87 architecture but I've been having endianness problems with data types spanning multiple words. It would be nice to know whether I have to invert the byte order or just the word order when interacting with DCPU memory.
  3. I tried implementing the DevicePilot specification from KerbalSystems/KSP_DCPU16_Standards (just for the hell of it) and was quite confused by what the interrupt was supposed to do. Isn't that feature already provided by the Generic Clock?
  4. Wouldn't there also be a problem if you had two CPUs on the same vessel (especially if they're working at the same time)? Anyway, I noticed that the DCPU-16 specs say that behaviour in case of device addition/removal is undefined. Isn't that almost inevitably going to happen during staging and docking?
  5. Great. Something that struck me while looking into ways to integrate custom device code into your framework yesterday: Is there a public interface allowing the addition of hardware devices without hard-coding them into Dcpu16Computer? If there was one, people might be able to write part modules that automatically register specific parts as devices. In addition, the ModuleManager would allow the extension of that mechanism to existing stock parts. I might be overestimating the value (or underestimating the time investment) but that sounds pretty useful in the long run. Do you have something along those lines planned? By the way, are manufacturer IDs just randomly generated?
  6. This seems extremely promising, especially since it has a more extensible hardware interface than ProgCom. Is there already something planned about Kerbal-specific devices? Is it okay to fork the code and play with it (add new devices and such) to test the waters (in a manner of speaking)?
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