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Everything posted by Nevadarain72

  1. Gave that a try with no luck. Still froze on the same part. What would be your next suggestion? Does it look like I'll need to do a reinstall?
  2. KSP: 0.25 Windows 32bit Problem: Game freezes while performing initial load Mods Installed: Chatterer 0.8.1 Karbonite 0.5.5 Kerbal Alarm Clock Texture Replacer 2.2.5 (with RealSkybox 8k textures) SCANsat 10.0 Reproduction Steps: Start the game Game briefly goes full-screen, then changes to windowed mode Press Alt-Enter to change back to full-screen Wait for game to freeze. Game seems to get stuck on the same part: 'Squad/Parts/FuelTank/adapterTanks/Size2-Size1Slant/adapterSize2-Size1Slant' Log: http://1drv.ms/1AnWAMu
  3. First off, awesome work you've done here Temstar! Absolutely amazing. I'm super excited to start using these parts to get something up and running. That being said, I've run into one issue. In your description of the Base Truss Transporter, you say "To load your own, get rid of all the trusses and then load the ones you need for your own base." Removing the ones I don't want is easy, but how do you go about adding the trusses you DO want? I tried saving some of them as subassemblies in Subassembly Manager, but that mod won't save it in a way that the docking ports on the trusses will stick to the lifter. What am I doing wrong (or if anyone who's had better luck wouldn't mind chiming in either)? Regardless, keep up the good work!
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