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Everything posted by TheLastMonkeylander

  1. My Terrain Detail is set to default. It doesn't appear to be a visual issue; craft fall below the terrain, and do not hit a physical surface, however after a few seconds they always explode no matter how slow the descent.At speeds below 60 m/s, landing on the grassy area is usually possible without falling through the ground, and craft do land on the visible terrain. So the terrain is there, the collisions are just delayed with higher speeds. This happens with both controlled landings, and crash landings. Land vehicles that constantly remain in contact with the ground also have a risk of falling through the ground. Other areas of Kerbin do not seem to have this issue (I can land high-speed at the poles, in the hills, and on the runway--just not on the grass next to the runway). EDIT: I figured out the problem. My settings file was not updated from 0.25, and the max number of subdivisions on Kerbin was too high. Upon deleting and redownloading my settings.cfg, the problem went away.
  2. EDIT: I figured out the problem. My settings file was not updated from 0.25, and the max number of subdivisions on Kerbin was too high. Upon deleting and redownloading settings.cfg, the problem went away. Whenever landing or driving on the flat ground near KSC (everywhere except the runway), crafts seem to have a danger of falling through the ground. When moving at >100m/s (even perfectly horizontally, or approaching the ground very gently), it is impossible to land, at least on the grassy area around the KSC. This turns many possible landings into crash landings if the runway is missed, even for resilient craft. The hills and mountains behind the runway, and most areas of Kerbin, do not appear to have this issue. Screenshots: Craft begins to "land", falling through the ground: Craft passes through ground before exploding:
  3. CKAN might have an outdated version of RasterPropMonitor Core or other component of B9. I installed B9 Aerospace and its component mods on a clean install, and experienced a glitch in the IVA displays which was fixed by a manual download of B9 from Kerbal Stuff.
  4. I installed B9 Aerospace from CKAN on a clean install of KSP, and am experiencing glitches on the IVA screens for all the B9 pods. The screens are showing the current camera view instead of the interfaces they are supposed to show. Anyone else have this bug? EDIT: I tried installing B9 Aerospace from Kerbal Stuff instead and the IVAs worked, so the issue must have something to do with CKAN. Screenshot:
  5. Speaking of RCS layout, can RCS thrusters damage your rocket like regular engines can?
  6. Alright, thanks for the info.Do you know how strong a strutless connection is? For example if I attach one fuel tank to another radially with no decoupler, or pylon, or struts.
  7. Wait, so struts connect not just the start point and endpoint but also the ones in between? Or am I misunderstanding you? When you say 1/4 tank, which specific part do you mean? The X200-8?
  8. First question. When parts intersect, do they stick together? I'm thinking no, because I have intersected wings and they flop around like they are totally separated--but I have also seen designs where there is a blob of like a dozen wings in the same spot that are pretty stable. Maybe they just hid struts, though. Second question. Are the orange fuel tanks always a recipe for disaster? Every time I use one, my rocket can't take off of the ground, regardless of how many engines I add. They also seem weaker structurally and less efficient than other tanks, even though the stats say otherwise. Is the secret just spamming small and medium sized engines at the bottom of an orange fuel tank to counteract its weight?
  9. Ah, haven't thought of that. Though, this sometimes happens with the tanks themselves as well if I have radial 4, 6, or 8 part symmetry.I guess that's a good workaround for the engine case.
  10. Occasionally when using symmetry, regardless of what type of symmetry, only one of the parts will show as placeable and the rest will show red, even though it's not obstructed. For example when I attach several fuel tanks around the main body, and try to add engines to these tanks, only one side of all two to eight sides will be green and the rest prevent me from placing it, even if the engines are not intersecting anything. I can occasionally fix this by trying a different tank to add the engine to, and for some reason it'll work that time, but it often is still blocked. I have had to change a lot of my designs due to this... bug? (Or am I just doing something wrong?) The strange part is that I can often place parts in really odd, physically impossible ways, like a reverse engine going inside of a fuel tank or a decoupler inside of a decoupler. Yet a part that has plenty of room can be blocked when symmetry is involved. EDIT: example
  11. Jeb may go missing, but he can never die. He merely lies in the shadows, Waiting, for his time to come again.
  12. What he means is that Jeb, Bill, and Bob should have orange suits all the time, even on EVA.
  13. The Navball only has prograde and retrograde when no targets or nodes are selected. However the Add Maneuver menu has all three 3d axes. Personally I find myself having to keep checking the Add Maneuver menu, and then looking at where Maneuver Prograde is, or going into Ship Mode to look at where my ship is facing. The numbers are just too small and square. It would make orbiting much easier if all of the Add Maneuver markers, like Normal and Antinormal, and Radial In and Radial Out, were visible on the Navball in Orbit mode. This would be a toggle in the options menu, so somebody could use prograde and retrograde only if they wanted. New players might have all the icons enabled by default, the tutorial introducing them one by one. At the same time, Target Prograde and Target Retrograde should have their color changed to be different from Normal and Antinormal. I suggest that the color is the color of the body you're targeting (Kerbin is teal, Mun is grey, Eve is purple--all the default colors). If not, just whatever color works to distinguish it from the other ones on the Navball.
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